Birthday card <3
She turns 83 on Monday. Seriously can you imagine being that old? Do you even remember eveything you've been through in your life? Maybe that's why so many older people get Alzheimers!??
No? I don't know...
This is the outside of the card.. This is the inside ^^

It's really bothering me that it won't stand straight though..
Well, let's just hope she won't care!
Only a Dream??
Only a Dream 22-05-2009
I remember how we used to hold hands,
as we walked together through the park.
You smiled at me,
and led me to the fountain were we sat down.
You turned to me,
and told me that you had loved me since the first time you saw me.
I remember how I blushed,
nervous of looking you in the eye.
You meant so much to me,
just you saying "hello" could make me blush of embarrassment.
I was happy beyond what was possible for any human being in this world.
You, loving me?
I had to be dreaming.
And then I woke up... ;)
© 2010 Text: Alexandra Bokström Niflis Foto: Unknown
State "hiking" ?!
So, tell me my awesome friends, what have you been doing in the last few days?
Me? Well, how kind of you to ask! ^^
Yesterday, I was doing a little bit of State "hiking" (?!) with some people in my school..
We were walking around Kungsholmen answering different questions about and related to Kungsholmen.
For the first 30 minutes it was kinda fun.. after 2 hours I just wanted to go home! I mean, it was cold, and my feet hurt. I had blisters! Then finally around 01:30 PM, I was home!! I've never been so happy before in my life! Well, except for that time - ehm.. sorry, never mind!
Today though, we didn't have any classes. I slept so long that I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to fall asleep tonight!
I'm not sure I would either way, anyway. Amanda is sleeping over tonight, and maybe tomorrow, I don't know..
I'm gonna go meet her at the bus in about 5 minutes...
So, my brother's turning 25 on Saturday..
I just mabe a birthday card for him..
What do you think?? It's a picture of him, me and our brother Patrik in Greece 1994 :)
(Jimmy is the one holding me ^^)

The Awesomenes of the Awesome...
Tomorrow the family and I are going to see Avatar 3D, which is gonna be great!
Everyone keeps telling me it's awesome.
Another awesome thing today was Kajsa's math equation!

Ok, maybe it wasn't that awesome.. But come on! I was boored out of my mind today!
That's probably why I ended up taking weird pictures of myself. (No.. not that kind of pictures.. )
!? anyone?

It's a no show!

So, it's a no show. I'm staying home today.
And I'm gonna try and get some work done while I'm at it.
Which probably won't happen, knowing me.
Anyway, I'm reeaaally tired, and I haven't had any breakfast yet,
so I'm gonna go fix me some of that awesome toast we have home!
And then maybe go and lie down for a sec.
Snow = Master of Disaster?!
Hey people! I'm back again. For how long, I don't know..
So, I'm beginning to hate the snow. Or love it. It depends on how you put it.
The thing is, this weather is causing so many problems with the traffic,
and especially the bus I take to and from school. So, many times, the bus doesn't show
because the weather's too crazy! And I mean it's really crazy!
There's one reason to love it though. I get to stay home from school. "the wave"
Which is just awesome!
Anyway, it's leaning towards that outcome tomorrow. It's snowing too damn much right now,
and it doesn't seem that it's going to cool down anytime soon (get it?! cool down? cause it's cold outside?! hehe I know, I'm weird).
Today was a boring day anyway, didn't happen much at all.
Just me and Julia fooling around as usual. xD

See ya later aligator!
Merry Christmas!
Winter Wonderland - Jason Mraz
I am so happy that Christmas is finally here!
And Winter Holiday, I'm so tired off school right now! :)

Just like my mom, I prefer Blue and Silver Christmas decorations :)
I think they are much more beautiful, and looks more like snow and ice!
So, Monday I'm going Christmas shopping. I know it's a bit late
but I've not really had time fore it, or the money.
I just got my money today so..
Anyway, I have to start making my Christmas cards now, if I wanna have them ready before Christmas Eve!
Merry Christmas everybody!

But I'm not saying goodbye to contractions!
Since Pontus just complained to me about my English on this blog, I've decided that from now on I'm going to be very thorough everytime I write an entry. But please, feel free to correct me if I miss-spell anything or simply mess up my English. But I'm warning you already. I'm not saying godbye to contractions! Anyway, I made it clear to him that one of the reason that I've chosen to write this blog in English is my need to improve my knowledge in the language. I still have a lot to learn, and a long way to go before I know it inside and out.
Anyway, it's getting late and I should probably go to bed soon.
Tomorrow we're going bowling with school and then I'm off to Amanda's school.
I've always wanted to see what her classes are like, so that's gonna be fun.
After she's finished school we are just gonna hang out downtown.
And then I'm spending the night at my brother's apartment in Skarpnäck, since I don't have the money for a taxi home.
Saturday I'm going shopping for new shoes and clothes :)

See you later!
NCIS Tiva <3
There is nothing better. And that is why, of course I've already seen every episode that has aired. Even though we're a few episodes behind here in Sweden. Youtube. My new best friend. Has helped me out in my most desperate times. And today, I am extra happy because NCIS is on at 8 p.m. Life can't get any better than that.
So along with my favourite show I also have my favourite couple. Tiva. Tony and Ziva. DiNozzo and David.
The tension between them is the most entertaining thing I have ever seen on any tv-show. I love them.
So this is a clip from where Tony saves Ziva, from after having been tortured in a cell in South Africa for four months. And well, they didn't part on good ways to say the least. She was ready to shoot him from having killed her boyfriend, even though he was a bad guy after all and was only playing her..
Anyway, it's really tense...
So here is another one of my favourite Tiva-clip <3
Oh and I had to throw in Abby in here too!
The happiest Goth you will ever see. Though she's not so happy in this scene.
This is kind of a part 2 from the first clip.
Ok, so I just couldn't resist!
I had to put up what happened next between them.. (A)
And just because I have already put up three clips, I don't see any harm in putting up an other one.. (A)
So this is kinda off everything that happened between them during those episodes.
And just to make it clear. I LOVE THEM! <3
And lucky for me I have all seasons on DVD :) yay!
Singstar at Centralen :)
I'm only writing this because you are gonna be so MAD at me if I don't!
So, yesterday was Sofie's birthday and we celebrated her by having dinner in stan and then later just walking around and laughing our heads off :D And before that, when Amanda and I were waiting for the others on T-centralen we sang some Singstar! It was really embarassing because a lot of people were watching us! Anyway, it was a competition with Tele2, where you could win tickets for IDOL or a mobile phone and something else.. but we're probably not gonna win.. :(

So tonight I'm sleeping at Sofie's house, Bless is having a movie night at her place so almost the entire Bålsta-gang is gonna be there ;) nice nice
//Alex <3
School pictures <3
I'm home! :)
So I was on Facebook and noticed that one of my classmates had posted our school picture :)
And I thought I ought to show you guys!
That's me by the way, on the far end----------------------------------------------->

And here is the picture of only me :)
Though my friend didn't post this one ;)

Sorry about the bad quality..!
Hey I gotta go! I haven't eaten anything since 7 p.m yesterday!
So, guess where I am? Göteborg!
With Amanda :) at my brother Jimmy's apartment.
Today we're going back home though, but the days have been great. We haven't done much but still it's been eventful. Amanda's got sick now though.. :(
We got to see Alexander Rybak, you know he who won the Eurovision Song Contest with his song Fairytale. :) he was performing at the mall sunday afternoon :)
Fairytale - Alexander Rybak

And then yesterday, Amanda bought some fangs :) they were awesome, perfect for Halloween :)

ARE YOU SCARED?! you should be...
New Moon, Göteborg and MLIA = <3
Anyway, guess who didn't pass the maths test we just had? yeah, me.. :( I seriously need to start studying.!
So, "Höstlov" next week :) can't wait, just one day left of school and then I head of to Amanda's! And then early Saturday morning we take the train to Göteborg! :) awesome. We are gonna be staying at my brother's apartment :)
we are staying until Thursday night, then I'll be sleeping at Amanda's again before going back home on Friday. Talk about my mom being happy about that! A full week without me! Though I can't blame her, I'm getting a full week without her instead :P kinda awesome! ;p
I've decided to post one MLIA story at the end of every entry. And always a new one, one that just got posted on the site that same day.
So here's one from today:
Today I was on a bus and there was a man next to me talking on his phone. There was also a woman at the front talking on a mobile as well. It took them a good 15 minutes to realise they were talking to each other. MLIA
Finally I write, huh?
Yeah yeah I know, it's been a while. But I'm here now, isn't that what truly matters??! '
I guess not...
Anyhow, a few days ago Kajsa told med all about MLIA. Which btw is awesome! ;) It's a site where people write average things that happened to them during the day. You always have to start with Today and end with MLIA.
It's the best site ever! Check it out!
Here is one from today:
Today, a man called me by accident. When I told him he had the wrong number he replied "No, you just have the wrong phone." Touché, phone man. MLIA.
Or this one:
Today, my friend and I were in a mock fight, calling each other names. Eventually my friend called out, "Your mom is gay!" Without skipping a beat, I say, "Which one?" The look on her face was priceless. MLIA