Daniel Powter - Bad Day
So today is the day! :)
Today me and Amanda are going to The Studio Stockholm :)
It gonna be so much fun! <3
But since we are both underage, we have to have a guardian with us.
So both are mum's are coming with us..
We have to be there by 15:30, and it's at Stureplan. So we're leaving at 13:30,
and then meeting Amanda and her mom somewhere. (We havn't decided where to meet yet ;) )
And there's not much to get ready for, we have to come without make-up. So I mean there's no need to
put on make-up then!
Anyway, I'm gonna make something to eat. ;)
haha ok tack^^ men du..... testa inte att göra ringar av isbitar, det gjorde så j*vla ont (för att det var så kallt) att ha den på fingret XD hehe
Svar: Ja, det tycker jag verkligen att du ska göra! :) :)
Nja inte så, är sjuk :(
Allt bra med dig?