
Lyrics: Alexandra Bokström Niflis


Verse 1

I remember a day,

Not so long ago.

When laughter and light

Surrounded us both.


I remember certain times,

When you would look at me and smile.

Like nothing in the world was wrong,

And I had just made you proud. 



But now when I look up at the sky

I’m reminded of the day.

When all the joy in my life,

Was taken away.

Four years have gone by,

But it seems to me like it was yesterday.

I wish I knew how this story will end,

Because I don’t know how long it will take

for my heart to mend. 


Verse 2

I’ve made mistakes,

And I’ve lied.

But would you hold it against me,

Or would you stand by my side?  


Because I know I’m not perfect,

And I don’t think you would want me to be.

But sometimes I wonder,

Why you will never visit me in my dreams. 



And now when I look up at the sky

I’m reminded of the day.

When all the joy in my life,

Was taken away.

Four years have gone by,

But it seems to me like it was yesterday.

I wish I knew how this story will end,

Because I don’t know how long it will take

for my heart to mend.



I’m a daughter searching,

Searching for something that doesn’t exist.

Because no father is there to answer the phone,

To hear about all the things that he’s missed.  



So now when I look up at the sky

I’m reminded of the day.

When all the joy in my life,

Was taken away.

Four years have gone by,

But it seems to me like it was yesterday.

I wish I knew how this story will end,

Because I don’t know how long it will take

for my heart to mend.


Four years have gone by,

But it seems to me like it was yesterday.


I love you daddy. May you rest in peace.

Spiridon Niflis 1956-2006  

© 2010 Alexandra Bokström Niflis


Fight For


Lyrics: Alexandra Bokström Niflis

Verse 1

Sometimes I wonder,

What to do with my life.

Sometimes I ask myself,

Am I wrong for wanting to fight?


Fight for the right of independence,

Fight for the right of peace.

Fight for the right of laughter,

How can people call that a sin?

Fight for the right of freedom,

Fight for the right of tears.

Fight for the right of voicing your thoughts,

In the world we’re living in.

 Verse 2

How people can turn their backs,

On other people and just ignore.

The pain that is there for all to see,

How can that not be something to fight for?


To fight for the right of independence,

Fight for the right of peace.

To fight for the right of laughter,

How can people call that a sin?

Fight for the right of freedom,

Fight for the right of tears.

Fight for the right of voicing your thoughts,

In the world we’re living in.


Oh fight for the right of independence,

Fight for the right of peace.

Fight for the right of laughter,

How can people call that a sin?

Fight for the right of freedom,

Fight for the right of tears.

Fight for the right of voicing your thoughts,

In the world we’re living in.


To fight for the right of independence,

Fight for the right of peace.

To fight for the right of laughter,

How can people call that a sin?


© 2010 Alexandra Bokström Niflis


Another Pair of Eyes..

Some would say my childhood was bad. Others might say they've seen worse. Which they probably have. But still, they look at me with those sad,pitiful eyes. Like they wonder why a child has to go through something like that. But then there are those, those who look at me with another pair of eyes. Eyes, almost indentical to mine. They see things for what it is. A way of making me understand that not everything in life is easy. You have to work hard to achieve something.
And almost every time, it's worth it.

So I guess you could say that it all started when my mom and dad got a divorce. But I was only a year old, so it didn't really affect me. In a way though, maybe it did. I have never known what it's like to have both of your parents in the same house. And I never will. Not that that is something bad, it's just that I've never actually seen my parents love each other. I'm sure they did, once upon a time. But I never saw it. They didn't really talk much when I was little. Actually, they didn't really talk much at all since their divorce. But it wasn't strange for me. That's how I saw my parents. Two separate people, in two different houses. Always mom, or dad. Never mom, and dad. Never together.

Then my mom couldn't afford the electrician bill. They cut our power. I don't remember how old I was. Maybe six or seven, I don't know. And so it began, every other week me and my brothers stayed at dad's house. And then with mom. It was strange. Having electricity one week, and missing it the other. As it turned out, we had really great neighbours. They pulled a cable from their house to ours, and so we had some power. I will never forget them. One thing that experince has taught me, is to never take anything for granted. Or anyone, for that matter.

And then my mom moved to Gothenburg with her boyfriend and my big brother. I was just about to turn eight. You would think that what I'd be the most sad about was the fact that they were moving away, but I wasn't. It was the person they were moving away with that had me worried. My mom and her boyfriend fought a lot, and I didn't know what was going to happen now. Around a year later she came back to visit. We were staying at our friend's house. She had some bruises on her body. I was told she had fallen down the stairs. I remember not believing it. My suspicions were confirmed when my best friend told me she had overheard our mothers talking. She hadn't fallen down the stairs. She was abused by her boyfriend. Around two years later she called me on my way to school, saying she was coming back. She had packed a bag while he was at work and was now staying with a friend. She had filed a prosecution against him and they were going to court. He was charged with community service. 

But tragedy didn't stop there. A few months earlier my dad had been diagnosed with cancer. He died eleven days after my thirteenth birthday. 

There are many other things that I could tell you about, but these are maybe the bigger ones. The ones that has me remember not what I've lost, but I've gained. Friends, and family.

What brings us apart, can also bring us together.   


© 2010 Text och Foto: Alexandra Bokström Niflis


"Even those who write against fame wish for the fame of having written well, and those who read their works desire the fame of having read them."
- Blaise Pascal


© 2010 Foto: Alexandra Bokström Niflis

The way I look at it..

Sad Eyes

The knowledge that you will never see them again,
is not the reason for the sadness in your eyes.
But knowing that you will never be able to forget
the feeling of tears silently falling down your cheeks,
is why you desperately close your eyes and
hide them from the rest of the world.
The reason is only one word,
though a word that makes you wish it had
never been spoken.

"Being alone is not what makes it so hard, it's the tears of the word Goodbye."


© 2009 Text: Alexandra Bokström Niflis  Foto: Malin Andersen

Life through my eyes..

"Words from somone broken, trying to patch the pieces back together."

Thinking Back

I miss how it used to be,
everything was simple.
I think about it often,
what was it that went wrong?
Things didn't work out the way I wished.
If I knew what was about to happen,
I wouldn't have played along.

Wishful Thinking

As I sit here,
thinking about everything I've been through,
I realise there's more to it.
It's not just pain and sorrow,
not just the painful memories I've been trying to forget.
Life brings more than that,
and it's not over yet.
Even though it feels like there's no way to fix this,
there has to be.
Otherwise everything I believe in is proven wrong.
And there is no more hope.
But then again,
there has to be.
I can feel it in my heart...

"And even though the scars will always remain, the pain behind it slowly lessens."


© 2009 Text: Alexandra Bokström Niflis

Quotes <3

The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart...
- Josiah Gilbert Holland (1819-1881) American Author
If you love something, set it free; if it comes back it's yours, if it doesn't, it never was.
- Unknown
The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is to love and be loved in return.
- (Unforgettable) Nat King Cole (1919-1965) American singer, Pianist
Do you love me because I'm beautiful, or am I beautiful because you love me?
- Cinderella ( The Fairytale)


© 2009 Foto: Malin Andersen

Hello =)


This is my new blog, where I'm only going to post my poems and songs and other stuff.

Starting now =) <3


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