Only a Dream??

Only a Dream  22-05-2009


I remember how we used to hold hands,

as we walked together through the park.

You smiled at me,

and led me to the fountain were we sat down.

You turned to me,

and told me that you had loved me since the first time you saw me.


I remember how I blushed,

nervous of looking you in the eye.

You meant so much to me,

just you saying "hello" could make me blush of embarrassment.

I was happy beyond what was possible for any human being in this world.

You, loving me?

I had to be dreaming.


And then I woke up... ;)

© 2010 Text: Alexandra Bokström Niflis  Foto: Unknown

When the Truth is Revealed

When The Truth Is Revealed

Before you know it,
your entire life flashes in front of your eyes.
The time has come,
when you leave everything behind.
Your friends, your life, your love,
and you feel yourself floating above.
Looking down at what life used to give you,
wondering if it ever was enough.
Did you find what you were looking for,
or is it hiding behind the high clouds?
You're deeply in thought,
wondering if you'll ever know.
And then it hits you,
it doesn't matter anymore.
Because life is now behind a closen door.
The key is thrown away,
somewhere, where you will never find it.
And you know it's for the best.
Your life, your love, your friends,
it's better you forget.
It's better you tell yourself,
them you've never met.
Just let it go,
just forget,
just think about now.
Just for once,
think about yourself...


© 2009 Text: Alexandra Bokström Niflis  Foto: Malin Andersen

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