Breaking Dawn online??

Good Morning!

First of all, is there anyone who knows where you can read Breaking Dawn online???
My friend Amanda forgot to bring her book with her when she left for the states a month ago, and she really needs something to read on the plane back back home. She thought, if she could find the book online she could print out a few pages.
So please, if anyone has the slightest idea let me know as soon as possible. She's going home on Saturday..

Anyway, so today I'm meeting Elin in the central station. We're going for a coffe and then back to my place. :)

What's really annoying though is that the TV in our livingroom broke, so now they are using mine. Which means that I don't have a TV anymore. Plus, they've been using my DVD for a while now too, which have left me with my portable DVD.
Altough I love my portable DVD, I sometimes miss watching on a bigger screen. I mean, the screen on my DVD isn't very big. Plus, since Elin is coming over, it would've been really nice to have a TV. We normally watch at least one movie before we go to bed, and two people trying to watch on a portable DVD, isn't very fun.

Anyhow, I should probably get ready know.
Leaving in an hour or so.. =)


Postat av: julle

har ni kul?^^


2009-08-06 @ 17:30:43
Postat av: Alex

haha faktiskt, vi ska ta lite glass snart XD mohahahahahha!!!!!!!!

2009-08-06 @ 22:02:44

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