HP and the HBP


Sorry I didn't write anything yesterday, but by the time Elin and I got back it was a bit late and mom was using the computer so I didn't get a chance to write anything.

Anyway, you're probably wondering where we were. Well you see, we went to see the new Harry Potter movie. :)

It was great, I really enjoyed it. It was a few changes here and there but nothing  major.

great job on the camera-work also, I love the way the shot it!

Anyway, so Elin just left to go back home.
We had a great time, yesterday we stayed out on the bridge til 1 in the mornig. Just listening to the wind, watching the stars and just relaxing. It was nice. :)

And I'm really excited because Amanda comes home today. Double yay! :D
We're meeting om Monday to go on this model thing. :P
And then when we're done we get to buy the pictures if we want to, but they're really expensive so I don't think I'll bee able to buy any.. too bad :(


Postat av: Felicia

Fin blogg =)

2009-08-08 @ 15:37:26
URL: http://fotoooo.blogg.se/
Postat av: julle

Sv: hehe ja^^ va bra att du updaterar din blogg oftare :3

2009-08-08 @ 18:28:29
URL: http://nekoainu.blogg.se/
Postat av: julle

föresten vadå för någon modell sak? XD

2009-08-08 @ 21:00:27
URL: http://nekoainu.blogg.se/
Postat av: julle

sv: jaha ok nice ;D

2009-08-09 @ 00:21:00
URL: http://nekoainu.blogg.se/
Postat av: F

Svar: Ååh, tack så mycket, din med! :)

Ska du hitta på nått speciellt idag då?


2009-08-09 @ 09:05:10
URL: http://fridaaaays.blogg.se/
Postat av: julle

Sv: hehe jo jag tänkte fortsätta ändra designen tills jag blir nöjd^^

2009-08-09 @ 14:43:22
URL: http://nekoainu.blogg.se/

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