they're not arresting me are they?! :O :S

Soo hello again ^^ sorry that I havn't written in a while but the stupid is getting on my nerves.. -_- sometimes I can't seem to logg in, and I don't know why that is :/ 
So anyway, I was at McDonald's today after school when two police officers walked in, who were followed by two other police officers.. then all of a sudden there were seven police officers in there!! haha idk why but the police always has this affect on me.. like I'm feeling guilty for something I havn't even done? :P haha they scare me :S 

So tomorrow Malin and I are going in to the city after school then she's coming home with me :P we're having a movie night! that'll be so much fun! :D

Anyways, talk to you tomorrow :=)


Postat av: Anna

It's called sign in and sign out, if you didn't know that already (: Maybe you were just sloppy haha :P

2009-02-12 @ 23:12:35
Postat av: Malin

Meh dom var där för mig muwhaha xD nä men jag tyckte det var skitläskigt att dom va där så det fick mig att gå hem ännu snabbare.. yesyes I'll bring the camera ^^

2009-02-13 @ 06:07:10
Postat av: niflis

haha I actually tried to remember how to say it correctly, but then I decided I would just let it be.. to sloppy to look it up :D haha yep that's me.. the sloppy one ^^

2009-02-14 @ 13:03:20

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