Paintings and ice sculptures...

Hey :D 

So I actually came home yesterday (A)  but I didn't feel like writing anything, I just wasn't in the mood. So I thought I'd write today instead =D

Yesterday when I was at Amanda's I saw this beautiful painting of her... it was someone from her job that painted it for her, as a surprise from her mother =) since it was her idea! 

Isn't it just gorgeous?! =)

When I was on my way home I stopped at McDonald's while I waited for my bus. I was really annoyed cause the girl behind the counter gave me the wrong McFlurry -_- But then it hit me that I hadn't tried the new one so I thought; "what the heck, I might as well try it!" =D  haha

On my way to the bus I stopped by this ice sculptures, I think there has been some kind of competition in town this weekend or something?! :P well, anyway I just had to take some pictures and show you guys! Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of the car :( and the pic of the bike there's something wrong with cause I can't seem to be able to send it to BDB (like I usually do, since I can't use my USB cable without a disk that I don't have.. thank my brother for that -_-) 
But here are the other pictures anyway = D

Click on the pictures to get a bigger picture.

I think it's a fish.. ?! 

?! help me out with this one...

I think it's some kind of Mummy ?! 

It has something to do with crystals...  I think.

But the bike and the car was absolutley the best.. for sure! Too bad you won't be able to see them =( 

Well anayway, I gotta go get something to eat now.. I'm way hungry =P haha ^^


Postat av: Bambi

Dude McFlurry is the shiet!<3 haha Lionbars<3 Are you gonna come by Huddinge tomorrow? I have a big news! :O The ice sculptures are scary.. they're like really shiny and cold, I always walk right into one of them :(

2009-02-25 @ 14:07:01
Postat av: alex

Sure sure.. :D what's happening tomorrow?! =O

haha you are so crazy :P talk about being clumsy xD

2009-02-25 @ 14:59:51
Postat av: Bambi

I dont wanna go to my new doctor alone, what if she's like..a freak XD but i also need some new make-up in town so we're gonna jump around there for awhile and then there's a jacob suprise haha xD well.. text me when your gonna come here tomorrow and i'll meet ya up ^^

2009-02-25 @ 16:10:59
Postat av: alex

jakob surprise?! =O what?! but what time are you going to see your doctor?

2009-02-25 @ 16:25:14
Postat av: Bambi

I'm gonna go see the doctor 13.30 so if you could come here like 13 or 12.30 that would be great :) haha i'll tell you all about it when you get here xD

2009-02-25 @ 16:32:39
Postat av: alex

haha ok :P My bus leaves 11.49 so I'll be in Huddinge 12.10 is that okey? :D it's two hours til the next bus so I have to take this one.. haha okey, well I hope it's something good then ;D

2009-02-25 @ 16:55:39
Postat av: Bambi

Okay awesome :) haha oh trust me your gonna be like "what no! shut up" Okay 12.10 writes down be prepared for the awesomeness that is squuing/stalking EJ<3 haha xD no we shouldn't stalk him..but we can look for behind some harm in that right? puppy eyes ^^

2009-02-25 @ 17:11:19
Postat av: alex

haha you're so crazy! hm what are you saying? are we gonna meet jakob? no that can't be! haah stalk E.J?! haha that would be so much fun :D

2009-02-25 @ 17:16:47
Postat av: Bambi

Oh god no :O dude..i'm scared of jacob these days..xD well i wouldn't call it stalking if we just happend to walk by his house..right? xD

2009-02-26 @ 10:12:36
Postat av: alex

haha okey good! I got a little scared there for a while =O haha ^^ exacly :P but what do we do if he's not home? =O

2009-02-26 @ 11:14:26

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