Elin + internet = true! now :D yay!

Patrik has now packed all off his stuff :D
yay! I've got my own room now ;P haha
So I've finished cleaning the room too..
it turned out pretty good.  well, it turned out okey at least.. ^^  haha

So, sitting here.. drinking hot chocolate :D ah! Living the life (A) haha^^ 

Yay! I'm so happy!
Elin has finally gotten Internet! :D
we can finally speak to one other on the Net!  ;P ain't that fantastic? ^^ haha

So I felt that there was a need for me to change my background image,
since I've been using this booring one for a while now.

Oh I hate this one... haha ^^

So I googled on "backgrundsbilder" (background images) and the first one that came up was this one =)

It's so beautiful that I just had to have it :)
So this is my new background image ^^
nice huh?


Postat av: elin

thats so fantastic!!!! XD

2009-02-28 @ 23:25:18
Postat av: alex

haha exacly!! :D XD

2009-02-28 @ 23:31:19
URL: http://niflis.blogg.se/

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