Skarpnäck and speeches...

Patrik moves out tomorrow, so he's packing all off his stuff right now. =P
it's kinda fun watching him, struggling xD haha
He and Wigis are moving in together, in an apartment in Skarpnäck.  :D
haha I wonder how many parties there's gonna be there!! xD
Still, they have work.
And Wigis works on weekends, so there might not be so many when I think about it... 
But still, once in a while .. ^^

Our break from school is soon over, that's too bad. I don't feel like going back to school just yet. :(
You know, a few more months wouldn't be so bad (A) hah 

Ugh, I have to work on that speech we have to do in school.
It's a swedish assignment we have.. superbooring.. haha ^^
I still havn't figured out what to talk about. 
It has to be something that I burn for, you know something that I enjoy talking about. 
Something that I really want to change, or an opinion that I have, that I want to share with other people.
Plus, it has to sound convincing. -_- that's the tough part.
But I'm sure I'll figure something out. I have to do it soon though.
The speech have to be ready, week 13 I think.
And it's what? week 9 now?



Postat av: eli..


He´s moving out. Thats good for you. Then i can come visit you sometimes.

2009-02-28 @ 22:23:01
Postat av: alex

haha exacly :D it's VERY good! cause then there won't be anyone who can disturb us ^^ haha

2009-02-28 @ 22:42:13

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