An available apartment.. anyone?! ^^

So I have to tell you guys something.. 
Me and my mom are moving. 
We can't really stay here.. the tension between all off us is driving us insane. 
When Kjelle is not at home and my mom and I are alone, everything is a lot better. 
So we have decided that it's time we move. 
It's better if mom and I live together just the two of us. 
We need that, and have needed it for some time now.

The only problem is we've got nowhere to go.
Where are we gonna live? 
Mom is waiting for an apartment though, but that can take months, even years.

So she asked me to write here in my blog, and ask if someone, anyone, knew if there is an available apartment.
It has to be somewhere in Huddinge, beacuse of my school. 
And if there happens to be an available apartment in Huddinge centrum, that would be great.
Please ask around.. I would appreciate it. 
Very much. Both me and my mom would.

So anyway,  I will probably give you some updates on this from now on. 
Let you know what's happening. :)

And another thing, we really need to find some piece of furnitures. 
Since a lot of our things here are Kjelle's really.
Like a couch for an example ;P we don't have one of our own.

So if you could help us out, with anything. 
Maybe ask around a bit.
That would really help =)

I almost forgot ;D she told me to mention that we have a cat as well.
So we are looking for a place for,
me, my mom and our cat Mizzy =)


Postat av: Bambi

I talked to my dad about that, he said you should look up and that they're selling lots of apartments there :)

Naw<3 well IKEA? xD but they're couches are evil..mio? :)

2009-02-28 @ 09:21:10
Postat av: alex

oh okey, yeah I'll tell mom about that :D

haha their couches are evil?! xD why do you think that?? ;P

2009-02-28 @ 14:10:17
Postat av: Bambi

Because.. they smell..weird..frecks out and it's like IKEA wants you to get lost there :O

dude dont pick the apartment near sjödal! then we cant "busåka" för det är typ precis där jag bor >.<

och mina föräldrar skulle ba titta förbi om ja va där hela tiden xD

2009-02-28 @ 16:07:13
Postat av: alex

I know! I always get lost there! =O it's creepy.. =S

haha ok.. we won't :D we wouldn't want your parents to stop by XD haha ^^

2009-02-28 @ 16:15:58
Postat av: Bambi

haha good xD but you're welcome to take the apartment on britas gränd haha xD right next door to peter ;D ew. >.< Oh and i just got 100bucks from mom to buy a new book yay! so we wont just be "buying" next time we go to the dragon ;) ^^

2009-02-28 @ 17:37:40
Postat av: alex

haha no way I would want to live there! =O

yay! nice :) which book are you gonna buy then? :D

2009-02-28 @ 17:45:40
Postat av: Bambi

Probably the cheapest good one i can find hehe xD but i really want firefly or the second book of dexter :( but they're probably over 100bucks so..we'll see ;) but we're definitely getting vol 2 and supernatural vol 1 hihi :P

2009-03-01 @ 10:16:32
Postat av: alex

haha oki :P oh I've finished vol. 1 and it was great! so I have to have vol. 2 =D yeah we definitely need to get Supernatural v.1.. it's gonn be awesome! ^^

2009-03-01 @ 12:45:46

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