Miss me?! (A) haha ^^

Hey ;D sorry I haven't written in a while.. I wasn't home during the weekend and before that my internet connection broke
 -_- don't ask me why.. I still don't know! Anyways it's working now! :D
though I'm not at home, as you may notice if you look at  what time I wrote this :P no, I'm at school...
we don't have any gym today so, just sitting here.. relaxing :D

oh yeah, and about that guy.. hm.. did not work out. He kinda ditched me.. haha but it didn't really mean that much :P I knew how he was before I started talking to him.. hah :D
Probably write something in a while..  I'll probably be sitting here for some time :P nothing else to do in school.. I'd rather be home :D

Anyways Have A Wonderful Day :D haha

Alex <3


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