The couch again :/ haah :D

Sooo, still haven't gotten any pictures from friday night.. :/ it might happen that I'm not gonna be able to put up any.. I'm gonna have to talk to Malin tomorrow in school..  

So, Sunday again :/ boring as usual... well at least it's a day off from school :)  Wigis is here btw, Patriks BF.. so I guess I'm sleeping on the couch tonight. Why you may wonder? Well since me and my brother share a room (wich we won't do much longer since he and wigis are getting an apartment together) well, as I was saying he and wigis will probably stay up all night playing video games since they don't have work tomorrow morning,  I'm gonna have to sleep on the couch if I want to get any sleep at all. :/  wich is fine by me and all, I won't have the computer though.. :( haha :P but when I think about it I'm not sure they use the internet actually, I mean we still have Patriks portable computer.. hm well see.

Oh mum just called... time for dinner! :D 

write later if I get a chance!



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