Amanda Bin Laden xD

Hey! Sorry didn't get a chance to write yesterday.. .:P Patrik and Sandra got home and brought with them Sandras electric guitar (whoops, sorry I ment " their" guitar -_-) and well... let me just say that I didn't get much sleep.. haah^^ 

he's really good though! :D and Sandra has got her beatiful voice :) <3 they fit so well together! 

Oh yeah! Patrik did this hilarious thing yesterday! :D I was talking to Amanda on the phone and Patrik saw this pic of her I had, haha so he thought it would be fun to mess around with it.. hah! it was so funny I couldn't stop laughing! :D
anyways.. this is how it turned out! XD

hahaha her responce was to stay quiet xD but you should have heard her mother! haha my brother is insane!! 

// Alex ;P with Patrik playing guitar behind me <3


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