Time flies fast when you're having fun ;D

So today I started reading this book by Stephanie Meyer called The Host :) so far it's pretty good, I've only read like four chapters but it seems good.  The funny thing is I can't explain what it is about beacuse it's rather complicated ;D haha well go to this page if you wanna know what it is about..    http://www.bokus.com/b/9781847441843.html 

A book by Stephanie Meyer.. :)

Hm what else has happened today?? Not much if I may say.. :P I went to bed like 05.00 a.m yesterday or maybe it's this morning?! :S haha anyway so I slept until like 03.20 p.m this afternoon!! haha :P when I came up to the house my mom was like "hm I was wondering when you were gonna come up" haha :D 

It's so weird that it's 2009 now! :O I remember exactly a year ago when I told everyone at school that I was moving.. and now I've already been at my new school for a whole term! Time flies fast when you're having fun :D
HAHA I remember when I lived with my mom when I was little and me and my friend Nina were like inseparable :D

Haha me and my long lost childhood friend Nina haha ;)  
We are still friends though :D though I havn't seen her in like 6 months :S It's been to long.. :( but I still love her!! :D <3

Ah well I don't know what to write know :S but I'll be back tomorrow !! Without a doubt ;D I actually find this kinda fun haha :P suprisingly not.. since I love to write haha :D 

Oh yeah I almost forgot! I'm gonna end this today with a short thing I wrote earlier this afternoon :D

"Being alone is not really what makes it so hard, it's the tears of the word Goodbye..." <3


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