Engagement rings?! :O

Whaam! :P Hahah me and amanda were playing guitar hero earlier but we both SUCKED! :D haha 

Amanda playing the drums :D 

Oh I just gotta tell you this! Amanda is like talking to this guy on the internet and she's never met him but he's like so in love with her you wouldn't miss it. The thing is he just told her that he bought engagement rings today but he hasn't gotten anyone to give the other one to.. obvious or not?? haha he wants
to marry amanda!!! hahahah :D and yes he asked her over the internet believe it or not!

nice huh? 

but that's not the ring! haha gotcha ;D

the funny thing is.. she is actually considering it! WHAAAAT?! SAY THAT AGAIN?!?! dumbass! but only beacuse
she's dying to see her mothers face if she came home with a ring on her left finger... ?! what's going on in that girls mind?! :S
well I for one have nooo idea..

Well let me know if you find out ;) that would help.. yeah thanks ;P hhaaha

//Alex... amanda says hi :) haha


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