I understand the movie.. but what about the name? :O

Yay! Finally I will get some pictures from Chris Brown :D I just need to give Malin my msn...
which btw is

[email protected]

here you go Malin :) 
hm well, anyway so she can send me the pictures that Linn, who is a girl we met at the consert, has taken :)  So hopefully tomorrow I'll have some pictures to show you guys ;P 

OMG! I just remembered that I have like 40 english words for tomorrow! :O I mean, even though I do know the english language, this is really silly words! I mean a lot of them we will most likely never use! Like "die-hard" or "thirty-odd"! I've never even heard those before!!? ok, so I might have heard die-heard. like a movie (A) but I mean it's not like I really bothered looking up the word!! And what about this one! "atrocity" ?!  I don't even get the swedish word for it?!! :O And I should understand it in swedish since it is my language.. right?!

Anyhow.. I gotta try to get these words inside me head now.. if that's even possible! 

So taty-bye! ;*  :D



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