Jack :)

Yay! I have the internet! :D hah I'm using Patriks portable computer just like I said :P and I'm sitting on the couch, cause that's where I'm sleeping tonight! :D but hey, I have the TV too!! and close to the kitchen and the toilet too :P perfect! hah ^^ 
Anyways, I wanted to tell you about Jack!! :D I met in on a swedish website called www.Kamrat.com (you should check it out btw) .. he's from England and he's 19 :)  I think he is my new best friend! :D hah no. but he is really really kind and well, he looks pretty good too (A) hah no well, I really enjoy talking to him because he's so mature.. he lives by himself and he works on his dads company and well... he has something between his ears (hah that's what he said about me earlier today ^^)  he's nothing like other guys I talk to on the internet.. you know the ones who asks you about pictures a second after they have said hi to you... ?!  I really like him (and yes, in a friendly way only ^^ hah (A) ) , and I really hope we will keep in touch :)

Btw, sorry but I don't have a pic on him... ^^ on his profile you can't copy the pic and he hasn't got msn so hard to send a picture :/ but anyways if I get a hold of one, I promise I will put it up right away! :D

Gotta go now... better go to sleep, it's getting pretty late ^^


Postat av: Anna

You can printscreen a picture from his profile? :D And save it in paint haha :P

2009-01-26 @ 18:35:07
URL: http://akatalektisk.blogg.se/
Postat av: Malin

Jag insåg just en sak, ja har inte din msn xD kan du skriva upp den här så skickar jag Linns bilder till dej?

2009-01-27 @ 17:11:48
URL: http://failzkid.blogg.se/
Postat av: Niflis

really? how do you do that? :P you might just have to help me with that ;D

2009-01-27 @ 22:43:49
URL: http://niflis.blogg.se/
Postat av: Jack

hey, just reading this the second time now..hehe ;$

and i forgot to say thanks last time, your the best ;) ;*

2009-02-19 @ 18:19:05
Postat av: alex

hah that's okey! :P I'm just happy you liked it :D so you reading my blog now? hm maybe I should start thinking about what I write (A) haha :*

2009-02-20 @ 20:41:22
URL: http://niflis.blogg.se/

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