Sorry! :S (A)


So I know that I havn't written in like forever! But I have an excuse, I've been doing the exact same thing every day for the entire summer, that every entry would have looked just the same!! So I just thought it would be better not to write anything at all! smart huh? XD

And for all of you who are wondering how these day lookes like for me, here is a short version of it:

  • I wake up around 01:00 p.m or maybe 02:00 p.m
  • Then I go and sit by the computer for a few hours
  • Mom complains about me not eating breakfast
  • When it's time for dinner, I take mine with me to the computer
  • Then around 11:00 p.m or maybe 12:00 a.m I go down to my little house
  • I watch some NCIS ( because I love it!) 
  • And then around 02:30 a.m I usually go to sleep
And then it starts all over again!  haha :D

But, there's been a little error in my perfect system.
You see my family and Anna's family spent the whole last week in a house in Småland.
We were somewhere just outside of Värnamo, it's called Liljenäs, and is just beautiful. :D
The house was old and because of that the walls were really thin. So when me and Anna were laughing so loud about something in the middle of the night, the others couldn't sleep. XD

But what really bugged me were all of the stupid gad-flies and mosquitoes!! I just wanted to kill them!!! Gahh!

I have to be off now ;P hah I going over to Julia's today :D
On wednesday I'm going with her family to Gröna Lund :P Najs!

And I promise I will try and write more!



Postat av: Anna

Hahahaha WAOUW, an update! xD

2009-07-20 @ 13:48:51

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