Insane beyond belief

OK, so before any of you start yelling at me, I KNOW, i didn't keep my promise to try and write more often.

I'm going to try again, but I can't promise anything!

So,  Anna, Niclas, Willy and I were supposed to go see the new Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince, but we havn't seen it yet. So Anna if you're reading this, call me! When are we going???????

Btw, the other week I went to Gröna lund with Julia and her family, and I had a great time! I was really fun. Especially since me and Julia stayed a little longer then the rest of the family. We came when they opened at 11:00 a.m and left at 09:00 p.m :) We were there for 10 hours... :D awesome! And holy christ, the new roller-couster, called Insane, I totally undestand why they decided to call it that. It truly is INSANE!  

I thought I was going to die! haha maybe not, but it was close xD

I have to go, our friends from Norweigh are going over in a minute.
They're here for the summer, since Partrik, the father is Swedish.

Talk to you later!


Postat av: julia

haha jo man trodde ju seriöst att man skulle dö XD (insane O.o')

2009-07-30 @ 16:38:50
Postat av: Alex

verkligen, shit läskig!! :O

2009-07-31 @ 15:52:31

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