Conclusions of me ! :P

Sitting in school, working on some schoolwork. -_- since my computer is still dead, I can only get some work done if I stay after school.

And I have also come to the conclusion that this is the only place I can get a chance to write anything here in my blogg.

I mean, I'm never at anyone's house besides my own. (Where I can't write anything)
So school is the only place I can use the internet.
But ony when no teacher is looking ;P haha since I'm not soppoused to be on this site (A)
Anders and all the other teachers is sitting in the "computer room" and are having a meeting.

Here's an other conclusion:
If I  stay here after school every day, then I can write something everyday .. right?
And since Kjelle works until 4 p.m everyday he can just pick me up after work.. right?! :D
I mean, it's not soo bad! 
And at the same time, I can get some work done! =) yay! 

Anyway, I have to go now.
In case one of the teachers decides to go on the toilet or something.
they might see me doing something I'm not soppoused to..
Don't even think about it!!!
I meant being on some site I'm not soppoused to be on!
(A) haha ^^

We are working on the solarsystem and all that in school right know ;P

See ya later! ;D



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