hi hi and a want some pie ^^

So I havn't written in like forever.. ^^ (3 days to be exact )  
But I just didn't feel like it. I've been very tired lately, not sleeping alright.
Last night I slept for like 4 hours -_- I really have to get more sleep.

So anyway, today was fun. :)
We had art class for the first time this term ;P I think I may be improving my grades in that subject :D
 Oh and listen to this! I got a VG+ on my religion essay, about the christianity. Shocking I know! :D haha
Mom was very happy at least :P that's good.. =)

Sorry that I'm so boring today :(
I'm just running out of imagination...  ;P hah

The boys at school were very entertaining today at least ^^
haha Erik and Jimmy were hopping around like two little kids :D like they are! 

Naaw they're so cute together! ^^

Then Jimmy decided to cuddle with Jonas a bit too..
I'm not so sure he liked it.... hm... 


Though Erik seemed to be having some fun ^^

So that's kinda it for today... I need to study for my History test for tomorrow. -_- like that would ever happen.
 Stupid World War Two! ugh .. why do we need to know about that?! Oh yeah, it's important that we learn the history of this wonderful place we live in. (heavy sarcasam here people! ).

Haha anyway, gotta go =) sleep tight!

Taty-bye <3


Postat av: Bambi

Naw it's the cute people<333 ^^ you're so getting a A+ in art, Sara loves it when people talk about everything with her. ;) oh craap..the test is going down down the crap road. blah xD good luck, dude atleast you've studied this time! ^^

2009-03-05 @ 06:28:56
URL: http://failzkid.blogg.se/
Postat av: alex

haha well thank you =)<33

I did so not study for the test! but I think I passed ^^ hopefully

2009-03-05 @ 19:52:21
URL: http://niflis.blogg.se/

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