When The Truth Is Revealed

Hello again =)
so as I promised here is one of my recent poems.
I hope you like it! ;)

When The Truth Is Revealed

Before you know it,
your entire life flashes in front of your eyes.
The time has come,
when you leave everything behind.
Your friends, your life, your love,
and you feel yourself floating above.
Looking down at what life used to give you,
wondering if it ever was enough.
Did you find what you were looking for,
or is it hiding behind the high clouds?
You're deeply in thought,
wondering if you'll ever know.
And then it hits you,
it doesn't matter anymore.
Because life is now behind a closen door.
The key is thrown away,
somewhere, where you will never find it.
And you know it's for the best.
Your life, your love, your friends,
it's better you forget.
It's better you tell yourself,
them you've never met.
Just let it go,
just forget,
just think about now.
Just for once,
think about yourself...

So, what do you think?! ^^
Please post a comment =)

//Alex <3

A mixture of good and bad...

I'm baaaaack!! :D

Though, unfortunately just for today...   -_-

Micke is here, trying to fix our computers :P
Apperentely Kjelle's computers has crashed too... =( 
There is a curse on this house, I'm telling you.
Do NOT bring you computer here, it's bound to crash the second you push the power button.

Anyhow, mom and Kjelle are saving money for us to go on a Londontrip next year.
I can't wait!!! I've been wanting to go there since I was like 6! :;D
I mean, it's London for heaven's sake, London!!!! You hear  me? LONDON!!!!!! Aaaah!

he he 

Oh, and another thing! :D

I sang my song My  Everything for Micke and he totally Loved IT ! ^^  Awesome
And, the thing is, he thought that I should record it. And try to make something out of it.
Cool huhh`? ;) 

And also that I should put my poems on the internet. Like here on my blog =)
So, I'll probably put someone here later today..
and please.. tell me what you think  =)
 I'm begging you, I really want to know...

Until next time:
Pice and Love <3

Photos <3

I finally got the pictures Malin took when we were in Södertälje Wednesday,
looking at Colin Leclair. (which btw sucked). 
And I just love them. =)
They're really beautiful. <3

Here are three of them....

I have to give you credit Andy, you're really a good potographer...

Go to 
www.failzkid.blogg.se and there you'll see her =)

(Btw, do you want me to spell it "Andy", or "Andie"?)


Aussies ;)

So I've always found that australian is weird compared to american and brittish.

Look at this for an example:

Good day = G'day
Good afternoon = Good arvo
Good night = Goodnight

According to me, "Aussies" don't know how to speak proper English. xD
or maybe they're the ones who actually can speak English!
and not the englishmen and americans. ;)
oh well, I don't know.. the English language is always going to be a mystery to me. =)

G'day! ;)


Stupid Canada!

Okey, so I was right. Canada won.
So we'll be seeing Canada - Russia in the finales.
I hope Russia wins!
I seriously hate Canada right now.. :(

The cheering hockeyplayers of Canada

ice hockey.. ;P

ThaNK God It'S FriDAy! 

But OH MY GOD, why does Canada have to be so good in hockey!???
Damn it, I just want to kill them or something!
It's seriously f'*cking annoying!! Gaah! 
I hate them!!

Okey, so right now I'm over at Anna's and we're watching the ice hockey world championship semifinale
Sweden - Canada.
So far it's
Sweden - Canada
      0               3

And it doesn't look that good for us to tell the truth. :/ 
It's only the third period left, and I'm kinda running out of hope right now.

Stupid Hockey....


Hello my fellow friends! =)

I am now at the location of my brothers apartment.
yay! I'm sleeping over here tonight! ^^

I LOVE his apartment! It's awesome!  <3



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