A mixture of good and bad...

I'm baaaaack!! :D

Though, unfortunately just for today...   -_-

Micke is here, trying to fix our computers :P
Apperentely Kjelle's computers has crashed too... =( 
There is a curse on this house, I'm telling you.
Do NOT bring you computer here, it's bound to crash the second you push the power button.

Anyhow, mom and Kjelle are saving money for us to go on a Londontrip next year.
I can't wait!!! I've been wanting to go there since I was like 6! :;D
I mean, it's London for heaven's sake, London!!!! You hear  me? LONDON!!!!!! Aaaah!

he he 

Oh, and another thing! :D

I sang my song My  Everything for Micke and he totally Loved IT ! ^^  Awesome
And, the thing is, he thought that I should record it. And try to make something out of it.
Cool huhh`? ;) 

And also that I should put my poems on the internet. Like here on my blog =)
So, I'll probably put someone here later today..
and please.. tell me what you think  =)
 I'm begging you, I really want to know...

Until next time:
Pice and Love <3


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