But I'm not saying goodbye to contractions!


Since Pontus just complained to me about my English on this blog, I've decided that from now on I'm going to be very thorough everytime I write an entry. But please, feel free to correct me if I miss-spell anything or simply mess up my English. But I'm warning you already. I'm not saying godbye to contractions! Anyway, I made it clear to him that one of the reason that I've chosen to write this blog in English is my need to improve my knowledge in the language. I still have a lot to learn, and a long way to go before I know it inside and out.

Anyway, it's getting late and I should probably go to bed soon.
Tomorrow we're going bowling with school and then I'm off to Amanda's school.
I've always wanted to see what her classes are like, so that's gonna be fun.
After she's finished school we are just gonna hang out downtown.
And then I'm spending the night at my brother's apartment in Skarpnäck, since I don't have the money for a taxi home.

Saturday I'm going shopping for new shoes and clothes :)

See you later!


Postat av: Fluff

Svar; Då är vi två! Haha eller hur.. så sad.. liksom varför ska man drömma såna saker för om man ändå ska vakna. Bah.

2009-12-02 @ 22:29:25
URL: http://flumguarantee.blogg.se/
Postat av: julle

haha du uppdaterar inte ofta du :P

2009-12-18 @ 21:20:00
URL: http://nekoainu.blogg.se/

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