NCIS Tiva <3

My favourite tv-show ever consists of four letters. NCIS. Naval Criminal Investigative Service.
There is nothing better. And that is why, of course  I've already seen every episode that has aired. Even though we're a few episodes behind here in Sweden. Youtube. My new best friend. Has helped me out in my most desperate times. And today, I am extra happy because NCIS is on at 8 p.m. Life can't get any better than that.

So along with my favourite show I also have my favourite couple. Tiva. Tony and Ziva. DiNozzo and David.
The tension between them is the most entertaining thing I have ever seen on any tv-show. I love them.

So this is a clip from where Tony saves Ziva, from after having been tortured in a cell in South Africa for four months. And well, they didn't part on good ways to say the least. She was ready to shoot him from having killed her boyfriend, even though he was a bad guy after all and was only playing her..
Anyway, it's really tense...

So here is another one of my favourite Tiva-clip <3
Oh and I had to throw in Abby in here too!
The happiest Goth you will ever see. Though she's not so happy in this scene.

This is kind of a part 2 from the first clip.

Ok, so I just couldn't resist!
I had to put up what happened next between them.. (A)

And just because I have already put up three clips, I don't see any harm in putting up an other one.. (A)

So this is kinda off everything that happened between them during those episodes.

And just to make it clear. I LOVE THEM! <3

And lucky for me I have all seasons on DVD :) yay!



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