Singstar at Centralen :)
Hi Julia! :P
I'm only writing this because you are gonna be so MAD at me if I don't!
So, yesterday was Sofie's birthday and we celebrated her by having dinner in stan and then later just walking around and laughing our heads off :D And before that, when Amanda and I were waiting for the others on T-centralen we sang some Singstar! It was really embarassing because a lot of people were watching us! Anyway, it was a competition with Tele2, where you could win tickets for IDOL or a mobile phone and something else.. but we're probably not gonna win.. :(

So tonight I'm sleeping at Sofie's house, Bless is having a movie night at her place so almost the entire Bålsta-gang is gonna be there ;) nice nice
//Alex <3
I'm only writing this because you are gonna be so MAD at me if I don't!
So, yesterday was Sofie's birthday and we celebrated her by having dinner in stan and then later just walking around and laughing our heads off :D And before that, when Amanda and I were waiting for the others on T-centralen we sang some Singstar! It was really embarassing because a lot of people were watching us! Anyway, it was a competition with Tele2, where you could win tickets for IDOL or a mobile phone and something else.. but we're probably not gonna win.. :(

So tonight I'm sleeping at Sofie's house, Bless is having a movie night at her place so almost the entire Bålsta-gang is gonna be there ;) nice nice
//Alex <3
Postat av: julle
SV: haha nej den e ju sööööt X3
haha vafan "hi julia" ??? XD hehe....
Postat av: julle
Sv: haha jag var förvirrade och tänkte inte klart XP fan va stört om jag faktiskt skulle gått upp och pluggat då XD hehe....