Snow = Master of Disaster?!
Oh My God! It's alive!
Hey people! I'm back again. For how long, I don't know..
So, I'm beginning to hate the snow. Or love it. It depends on how you put it.
The thing is, this weather is causing so many problems with the traffic,
and especially the bus I take to and from school. So, many times, the bus doesn't show
because the weather's too crazy! And I mean it's really crazy!
There's one reason to love it though. I get to stay home from school. "the wave"
Which is just awesome!
Anyway, it's leaning towards that outcome tomorrow. It's snowing too damn much right now,
and it doesn't seem that it's going to cool down anytime soon (get it?! cool down? cause it's cold outside?! hehe I know, I'm weird).
Today was a boring day anyway, didn't happen much at all.
Just me and Julia fooling around as usual. xD

See ya later aligator!
Hey people! I'm back again. For how long, I don't know..
So, I'm beginning to hate the snow. Or love it. It depends on how you put it.
The thing is, this weather is causing so many problems with the traffic,
and especially the bus I take to and from school. So, many times, the bus doesn't show
because the weather's too crazy! And I mean it's really crazy!
There's one reason to love it though. I get to stay home from school. "the wave"
Which is just awesome!
Anyway, it's leaning towards that outcome tomorrow. It's snowing too damn much right now,
and it doesn't seem that it's going to cool down anytime soon (get it?! cool down? cause it's cold outside?! hehe I know, I'm weird).
Today was a boring day anyway, didn't happen much at all.
Just me and Julia fooling around as usual. xD

See ya later aligator!