Legally Blondes and Will Smith


So I just saw the movie Legally Blondes, otherwise known as Legally Blonde 3.
It is about two twin-sisters who moves from the UK to L.A.  They are they cousins of Elle Woods, the blond but smart woman the two previous movies are about.
I thought the movie was kinda weird, and the actors weren't that good. At least it was funny.  A true chick-flick, if you ask me. ;)

Here's a trailer of the movie.

Tell me what you think.

Another movie I havn't watched yet, but am going to today, is Seven Pounds with Will Smith.

I just saw the trailer and I noticed one of the comments, I thought I might bring it forward.

First off...They screwed up with the trailer. Like you said, It was too vague. All in all, the movie was actually very good. Emotional. I enjoyed it. I was skeptical about it, because of the previews, but, it was really good. Then again, I'm not a movie critic.  Just an average guy.

I thought the comment was really honest. He even brought up the fact that he isn't a movie critic, but just an average guy.
But in my opinion, it's better asking an "average" person what he thinks, since you have a better chance at really getting an honest opinion.

I'm really excited about seeing the movie, first of all, because Will Smith is one of my favourite actors, but also because  I've read more positive criticism about the movie than negative.

 Well, I guess I'll see soon enough, if I'll like it or not.


Insane beyond belief

OK, so before any of you start yelling at me, I KNOW, i didn't keep my promise to try and write more often.

I'm going to try again, but I can't promise anything!

So,  Anna, Niclas, Willy and I were supposed to go see the new Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince, but we havn't seen it yet. So Anna if you're reading this, call me! When are we going???????

Btw, the other week I went to Gröna lund with Julia and her family, and I had a great time! I was really fun. Especially since me and Julia stayed a little longer then the rest of the family. We came when they opened at 11:00 a.m and left at 09:00 p.m :) We were there for 10 hours... :D awesome! And holy christ, the new roller-couster, called Insane, I totally undestand why they decided to call it that. It truly is INSANE!  

I thought I was going to die! haha maybe not, but it was close xD

I have to go, our friends from Norweigh are going over in a minute.
They're here for the summer, since Partrik, the father is Swedish.

Talk to you later!


Sorry! :S (A)


So I know that I havn't written in like forever! But I have an excuse, I've been doing the exact same thing every day for the entire summer, that every entry would have looked just the same!! So I just thought it would be better not to write anything at all! smart huh? XD

And for all of you who are wondering how these day lookes like for me, here is a short version of it:

  • I wake up around 01:00 p.m or maybe 02:00 p.m
  • Then I go and sit by the computer for a few hours
  • Mom complains about me not eating breakfast
  • When it's time for dinner, I take mine with me to the computer
  • Then around 11:00 p.m or maybe 12:00 a.m I go down to my little house
  • I watch some NCIS ( because I love it!) 
  • And then around 02:30 a.m I usually go to sleep
And then it starts all over again!  haha :D

But, there's been a little error in my perfect system.
You see my family and Anna's family spent the whole last week in a house in Småland.
We were somewhere just outside of Värnamo, it's called Liljenäs, and is just beautiful. :D
The house was old and because of that the walls were really thin. So when me and Anna were laughing so loud about something in the middle of the night, the others couldn't sleep. XD

But what really bugged me were all of the stupid gad-flies and mosquitoes!! I just wanted to kill them!!! Gahh!

I have to be off now ;P hah I going over to Julia's today :D
On wednesday I'm going with her family to Gröna Lund :P Najs!

And I promise I will try and write more!



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