School pictures <3
I'm home! :)
So I was on Facebook and noticed that one of my classmates had posted our school picture :)
And I thought I ought to show you guys!
That's me by the way, on the far end----------------------------------------------->

And here is the picture of only me :)
Though my friend didn't post this one ;)

Sorry about the bad quality..!
Hey I gotta go! I haven't eaten anything since 7 p.m yesterday!
So, guess where I am? Göteborg!
With Amanda :) at my brother Jimmy's apartment.
Today we're going back home though, but the days have been great. We haven't done much but still it's been eventful. Amanda's got sick now though.. :(
We got to see Alexander Rybak, you know he who won the Eurovision Song Contest with his song Fairytale. :) he was performing at the mall sunday afternoon :)
Fairytale - Alexander Rybak

And then yesterday, Amanda bought some fangs :) they were awesome, perfect for Halloween :)

ARE YOU SCARED?! you should be...
New Moon, Göteborg and MLIA = <3
Anyway, guess who didn't pass the maths test we just had? yeah, me.. :( I seriously need to start studying.!
So, "Höstlov" next week :) can't wait, just one day left of school and then I head of to Amanda's! And then early Saturday morning we take the train to Göteborg! :) awesome. We are gonna be staying at my brother's apartment :)
we are staying until Thursday night, then I'll be sleeping at Amanda's again before going back home on Friday. Talk about my mom being happy about that! A full week without me! Though I can't blame her, I'm getting a full week without her instead :P kinda awesome! ;p
I've decided to post one MLIA story at the end of every entry. And always a new one, one that just got posted on the site that same day.
So here's one from today:
Today I was on a bus and there was a man next to me talking on his phone. There was also a woman at the front talking on a mobile as well. It took them a good 15 minutes to realise they were talking to each other. MLIA
Finally I write, huh?
Yeah yeah I know, it's been a while. But I'm here now, isn't that what truly matters??! '
I guess not...
Anyhow, a few days ago Kajsa told med all about MLIA. Which btw is awesome! ;) It's a site where people write average things that happened to them during the day. You always have to start with Today and end with MLIA.
It's the best site ever! Check it out!
Here is one from today:
Today, a man called me by accident. When I told him he had the wrong number he replied "No, you just have the wrong phone." Touché, phone man. MLIA.
Or this one:
Today, my friend and I were in a mock fight, calling each other names. Eventually my friend called out, "Your mom is gay!" Without skipping a beat, I say, "Which one?" The look on her face was priceless. MLIA
Free period
Brothers <3
So yesterday was fun, first I met with mom and my brother Patrik in "stan", but guess what? My brother Jimmy's in town and he was with them :) He lives in Gothenburg so I don't see him much, so it was fun hanging with him a few hours yesterday! Then later, me and 19 other girls from my class had agreed to go and eat at Pizza Hut on Hötorget.. that was awesome! Everyone kept staring at us :O but I don't blame them, we were laughing so loud!!! haha :D After that I met with mom again and we went home :)
Today I'm going to my other brother Fredrik :) he's turning 30! he's ooold.... ^^
so I'm meeting Patrik and Jimmy in stan before we go together to Bålsta were Fredrik and our sister Theresa lives :)
//Alex peace out XD
Break a leg.. or an arm? how 'bout a foot?!!
Even though Swedish was okey, it was still a bit booring.. idk maybe I'll just right every other entry in English and then go back to writing in Swedish again. Maybe. It sounds good. I think.
Anyway, so this entry is in English though, which I guess you've kinda figured already. right?! Otherwise you're seriously mental. No offence.
So, tomorrow I've got a Geography test coming up.. And I am. Without. A. Doubt. Screwed. But don't feel bad! This is not a new thing, I just have something that makes me always fail in every test in school. No wait.. that's just beacuse I don't study.. Hm.. Way to go Alex!
Anyway, I think I should try and study for at least a few minutes before I go to bed..
so, wish me good luck on that test tomorrow.
(Break a leg, Alex!)
IDOL-Erik <3
För en gångs skull har jag följt IDOL redan från början av säsongen, annars brukar jag bara kolla lite då och då. Men i år tänkte jag att jag faktiskt skulle kolla på varje program.
och jag säger er.. Erik Grönwall är typ the best ever! Asså, hans röst är så himla underbar ^^
Igår när jag hörde att han skulle sjunga Is it true? med Yohanna, tänkte jag bara neej! För han sjunger mer typ Queen stuket liksom och Is it true? är inte precis så.. hah men heeregud!!! vad bra han va! Jag är helt tagen.. :)
Av tjejerna då, för jag måste väl säga någon bra där också, tycker jag att Erika sjunger jätte bra :) hon har en underbar röst verkligen.. Det är bara hoppas på Erik och Erika i finalen!! :D
som en ängel.. ^^
Nu börjar min spanska lektion :) bye!