RAW <3

School sucks!
I have so much to do, and so little time =(
plus, my eye operation is coming up, April the 17th! =)
And then I'm staying home for a week.. gaah! I have SO MUCH to do!!!

And WHY?! WHY does not my internet work?!?!??!  please god help me! (A)

Anyway, me and Malin saw RAW Friday night! Totally awesome!  =D

Mårten Andersson, Jacob Öqvist and Phil Nichols were the best!

Petra Meade... NEJ! usch! hon var as rasistisk. gilla inte henne alls.. =(

Mårten Andersson

Jacob Öqvist

Phil Nichols

Oh, and Robin helped us with this sign btw =)

Nice hugh?

Malin and I have decided that we need to see Magnus Betnér on April the 24th :D
he is absolutley the BEST!  ^^

Go RAW! <3



Life is a stupid thing. Why does it exist? Maybe I should end it. That is a stupid suggestion, I know. But sometimes, the only way. The only way to truly be able to forget, to escape. The only way.
 My best friend doesn't seem to think so though, or maybe it's just for her that it's not. If I disappear, where will she go? That's what she keeps telling me, begging me. But for whose own good? Mine, or hers? Will she be alright if I leave? But will I be alright if I stay? She says she'll help me, if only I could tell her what's wrong. But I can't, and I never will. 
She will never know. 

Chapter 1 
"Come on, you can do this. It's not something you should  be so nervous about. It's just a test. If you fail, you fail!" 
 That's what I was thinking sitting in class with a pen in my right hand, staring infront of me. On the desk was a maths test. I hadn't even opened it yet. Hardly looked at it. Though I had been sitting here for almost fifteen minutes now. I really had to open it. I sighed. I put the pen down on the desk and turned the first paige. I looked at it. Algebra. Could it get any worse? This day was not starting out any good. 
"That last question was really hard, don't you think?" My friend Amber was asking me later at lunch. I didn't even get to the last question. I had given up after just a few minutes of staring at the equation I had to solve on the first paige. "I wouldn't know." I answered staring at the bottle of water I had infront of me. "Oh." was all she said. I nodded, still staring at the bottle. I had known Amber since first grade, it had always been the two of us. She new I hated math, and especially algebra. There was little that could cheer me up when it had something to do with math. That didn't stop her from trying though. "I noticed Danny was staring at you a lot." I frowned. Danny was not intresested in me. Why would he? He had a lot of girls after him all the time. He could just snapp his finger and every girl in school would be begging him to tell them he wanted to be with them. "He was probably just trying to remember my name." I said avoiding her eyes. "Kim." Amber said looking straight at me. "He knows your name, alright?" "When are you gonna realize that he likes you?" I looked away from her, and saw Danny on the other side of the cafeteria. He was laughing at something his friend Josh had said. I looked back at Amber who had her eyebrows raised. I stared at her for a few seconds. "Even if he does like me, he only sees me as one of those girls he stays with for a few days and then moves on to the next one." "I don't wanna be the topic of the week, the girl he dated but soon after dumped for someone better, I just don't! She kept her eyes on me, then sighed. "Ok, fine!" "Believe what you wanna believe, but don't come crying to me when it's to late and he doesn't want you anymore!" It was quiet for a long time after that. Then I saw the clock on the wall behind her. "Shoot, we gotta go!" "We don't wanna be late for english!" We hurried out of the cafeteria as fast as we could. We got in just before Mr Daniels closed the door.
An hour later me and Amber were walking across the parking lot towards her car. Danny and some girl I didn't know the name off were walking infront of us. But I don't know if you could call it walking, it was more like making out while moving your feet in the direction of your car. "They are so disgusting." I heard Amber saying beside me. "Can't they get a room or something?!" I didn't answer. I was to busy trying not to look at them. 

Conclusions of me ! :P

Sitting in school, working on some schoolwork. -_- since my computer is still dead, I can only get some work done if I stay after school.

And I have also come to the conclusion that this is the only place I can get a chance to write anything here in my blogg.

I mean, I'm never at anyone's house besides my own. (Where I can't write anything)
So school is the only place I can use the internet.
But ony when no teacher is looking ;P haha since I'm not soppoused to be on this site (A)
Anders and all the other teachers is sitting in the "computer room" and are having a meeting.

Here's an other conclusion:
If I  stay here after school every day, then I can write something everyday .. right?
And since Kjelle works until 4 p.m everyday he can just pick me up after work.. right?! :D
I mean, it's not soo bad! 
And at the same time, I can get some work done! =) yay! 

Anyway, I have to go now.
In case one of the teachers decides to go on the toilet or something.
they might see me doing something I'm not soppoused to..
Don't even think about it!!!
I meant being on some site I'm not soppoused to be on!
(A) haha ^^

We are working on the solarsystem and all that in school right know ;P

See ya later! ;D



Hey! Sorry that I havn't updated for like forever.. :( but the sad thing is that my computer died.  I'm hoping that my brother can help me with it on sunday when he comes for birthday  :) 

yay! make sure to call me on my birthday!  the 22nd of March! 



Why Lord, why?

Hey again ;P
So I'm staying home tomorrow as well. 
I've gotten myself a fever too :(
And my throat still hurts.

Why Lord, why?

Wait, don't answer that!
I get to stay home don't I?! ;D hha ^^

<3 sleep tight...


Sore throat :(

Been home today.
Sore throat,  headache, feeling a bit dizzy sometimes :(
Not good...
I bet Malin is having trouble with SkinnyBoy and E.J without me ;) hihi ^^
I might stay home tomorrow too, but I have to go on Friday.
National Tests in English. Can't miss that! ;D haha

- Huddinge 10/3-09


Keyboards, NCIS and hot chocolate ;)

Hello! :)

So right now, I am doing four things at the exact same time;

I am watching NCIS
I am straightening my hair
I am drinking hot chocolate
& I am writing in my blog! :)

Though, it's rather hard trying to concentrate on a murder investigation, at the same time you're trying to straighten your hair AND write on a keyboard! plus, trying hard not to spill som very hot chocolate on you -_-. "hm.." Still, I am a woman!  And we all know women don't have any problem doing several things at the same time! ;) know what I mean girls?  ;D

Anyway, so I googled keyboards just for the fun of it, and I found this really really cool ones :D

Okey... handbag or a keyboard?! O.o

The 70's back! it's disco time ;D

I want the disco keyboard! :D imagine having one of those, people will think you're having a party just sitting at the computer XD haha 



hi hi and a want some pie ^^

So I havn't written in like forever.. ^^ (3 days to be exact )  
But I just didn't feel like it. I've been very tired lately, not sleeping alright.
Last night I slept for like 4 hours -_- I really have to get more sleep.

So anyway, today was fun. :)
We had art class for the first time this term ;P I think I may be improving my grades in that subject :D
 Oh and listen to this! I got a VG+ on my religion essay, about the christianity. Shocking I know! :D haha
Mom was very happy at least :P that's good.. =)

Sorry that I'm so boring today :(
I'm just running out of imagination...  ;P hah

The boys at school were very entertaining today at least ^^
haha Erik and Jimmy were hopping around like two little kids :D like they are! 

Naaw they're so cute together! ^^

Then Jimmy decided to cuddle with Jonas a bit too..
I'm not so sure he liked it.... hm... 


Though Erik seemed to be having some fun ^^

So that's kinda it for today... I need to study for my History test for tomorrow. -_- like that would ever happen.
 Stupid World War Two! ugh .. why do we need to know about that?! Oh yeah, it's important that we learn the history of this wonderful place we live in. (heavy sarcasam here people! ).

Haha anyway, gotta go =) sleep tight!

Taty-bye <3


<3 :)

So, Patriks apartment was great! Perfect for him and Wigis! :)
 Let's just hope he invites his sister over sometime :D I'm gonna miss living with my annoying big brother ... ^^

So anayway, when I cleaned my room yesterday, I placed a forograph off my dad and me on a little table and put a candle infront off it :) my special little place for him.

So now everytime I lit the candle, he will know that I think of him :) <3


"Oh my baby boy is growing up!"

So, we're heading off to Patriks new apartment in about 10 minutes :D
it's gonna be so great! To see what it looks like.
Mom's all like, "oh my baby boy is growing up!!!" 

Mom, he's turning 21 for God's sake!!  =O  gaah!
I don't know what to do with her! xD haha ^^

Anyway, gotta go now ;P
Tell you all about it when I get back later! :)

Photographer: Malin Andersen



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