Elin + internet = true! now :D yay!

Patrik has now packed all off his stuff :D
yay! I've got my own room now ;P haha
So I've finished cleaning the room too..
it turned out pretty good.  well, it turned out okey at least.. ^^  haha

So, sitting here.. drinking hot chocolate :D ah! Living the life (A) haha^^ 

Yay! I'm so happy!
Elin has finally gotten Internet! :D
we can finally speak to one other on the Net!  ;P ain't that fantastic? ^^ haha

So I felt that there was a need for me to change my background image,
since I've been using this booring one for a while now.

Oh I hate this one... haha ^^

So I googled on "backgrundsbilder" (background images) and the first one that came up was this one =)

It's so beautiful that I just had to have it :)
So this is my new background image ^^
nice huh?


Skarpnäck and speeches...

Patrik moves out tomorrow, so he's packing all off his stuff right now. =P
it's kinda fun watching him, struggling xD haha
He and Wigis are moving in together, in an apartment in Skarpnäck.  :D
haha I wonder how many parties there's gonna be there!! xD
Still, they have work.
And Wigis works on weekends, so there might not be so many when I think about it... 
But still, once in a while .. ^^

Our break from school is soon over, that's too bad. I don't feel like going back to school just yet. :(
You know, a few more months wouldn't be so bad (A) hah 

Ugh, I have to work on that speech we have to do in school.
It's a swedish assignment we have.. superbooring.. haha ^^
I still havn't figured out what to talk about. 
It has to be something that I burn for, you know something that I enjoy talking about. 
Something that I really want to change, or an opinion that I have, that I want to share with other people.
Plus, it has to sound convincing. -_- that's the tough part.
But I'm sure I'll figure something out. I have to do it soon though.
The speech have to be ready, week 13 I think.
And it's what? week 9 now?



An available apartment.. anyone?! ^^

So I have to tell you guys something.. 
Me and my mom are moving. 
We can't really stay here.. the tension between all off us is driving us insane. 
When Kjelle is not at home and my mom and I are alone, everything is a lot better. 
So we have decided that it's time we move. 
It's better if mom and I live together just the two of us. 
We need that, and have needed it for some time now.

The only problem is we've got nowhere to go.
Where are we gonna live? 
Mom is waiting for an apartment though, but that can take months, even years.

So she asked me to write here in my blog, and ask if someone, anyone, knew if there is an available apartment.
It has to be somewhere in Huddinge, beacuse of my school. 
And if there happens to be an available apartment in Huddinge centrum, that would be great.
Please ask around.. I would appreciate it. 
Very much. Both me and my mom would.

So anyway,  I will probably give you some updates on this from now on. 
Let you know what's happening. :)

And another thing, we really need to find some piece of furnitures. 
Since a lot of our things here are Kjelle's really.
Like a couch for an example ;P we don't have one of our own.

So if you could help us out, with anything. 
Maybe ask around a bit.
That would really help =)

I almost forgot ;D she told me to mention that we have a cat as well.
So we are looking for a place for,
me, my mom and our cat Mizzy =)


A day with Malin... ^^

So today was eventful :D 
Before we went in to "stan" Malin and I went to her doctor's appointment. While we sat in the waiting room I noticed this coffe machine ;P then I realized it was for free so I just had to take some hot chocolate :D and then when we left I took another cup to go :D haha

When we got off the train in centralen we first went to Gina, then Topshop which was an awesome shop :D it had all this cool clothes and a lot of other cool things ;P

After that I became very hungry so we made our way towards McDonald's :D where this very weird and creepy guy from Ghanda started talking to us.. and he just could't shut up about Malin and her face, something about that it looke like she was from Asia or something.. expect he said chinese. Cause he didn't know it was called Asia =S anyway we got up and ran out off there as soon as we could.! 

So then we left for what we like to call "Draken", which basically means the Dragon =P it's a Science Fiction bookstore.. it's way cooler then it sounds =D  and there I bought Buffy Vol 1 Angel Chronicles.. You gotta love Buffy & Angel <3 

Then we made our way back towards the train.. time to go home :( 



Good Morning! :D So I'm meeting Malin in Huddinge in about 40 minutes =D I'm going with her to her doctor's appointment. she's got a new doctor and since her last doctor turned out to be rather creepy (try too intimate) she wants me to come with her. This doctor is a woman though so there shouldn't be a problem =) 

Then I don't really know what we're gonna do, she said something about a surprise.. or like big news =S I don't know what that means.. but knowing Malin I don't really think it's something I need to worry about ;P and it's probably something weird, like what normal people wouldn't call a surprise ;D haha I'm saying it again "MALIN IS NOT NORMAL" (a) sorry.. but neither am I! so it turnes out pretty good :D ^^ don't you think? 


I really liked this picture, just had to put it up =D


Paintings and ice sculptures...

Hey :D 

So I actually came home yesterday (A)  but I didn't feel like writing anything, I just wasn't in the mood. So I thought I'd write today instead =D

Yesterday when I was at Amanda's I saw this beautiful painting of her... it was someone from her job that painted it for her, as a surprise from her mother =) since it was her idea! 

Isn't it just gorgeous?! =)

When I was on my way home I stopped at McDonald's while I waited for my bus. I was really annoyed cause the girl behind the counter gave me the wrong McFlurry -_- But then it hit me that I hadn't tried the new one so I thought; "what the heck, I might as well try it!" =D  haha

On my way to the bus I stopped by this ice sculptures, I think there has been some kind of competition in town this weekend or something?! :P well, anyway I just had to take some pictures and show you guys! Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of the car :( and the pic of the bike there's something wrong with cause I can't seem to be able to send it to BDB (like I usually do, since I can't use my USB cable without a disk that I don't have.. thank my brother for that -_-) 
But here are the other pictures anyway = D

Click on the pictures to get a bigger picture.

I think it's a fish.. ?! 

?! help me out with this one...

I think it's some kind of Mummy ?! 

It has something to do with crystals...  I think.

But the bike and the car was absolutley the best.. for sure! Too bad you won't be able to see them =( 

Well anayway, I gotta go get something to eat now.. I'm way hungry =P haha ^^


See you in a few days! :D

So I'm leaving in about a half an hour, I'm gonna be staying at Elin's house for a few days now. She hasn't got any internet so I'm not gonna be able to update :( sorry about that... I'm not sure when I'm gonna be back but probably wednesday :)

I'll tell you everything that has happened then I promise :D 



Elin in Tomtberga XD

Nooooo! :( Elin never got to see SkinnyBoy! :'( He wasn't there... ugh stupid skinnyBoyish boy! :(  Malin we have to make sure she sees him before summer break! And then we'll go and get our revenge on the Black Army! :D hah.. ^^ 


Elin meets SkinnyBoy

HEEELLLO!! :D I swear.. I am alive!!! don't call the police!!! =O  haha ^^ 
anyway.. so today was a booring day in school -_- 

haha took some pictures in textil craft ^^

But then everything got a lot better when I met Elin ;P she's coming with me to school tomorrow :D yay!! she's gonna meet SkinnyBoy! and E.J! :D haha 

the pic was a lot better when I took it with my cellphone.. but here she is anyway :D


Heroes =)

Hey ;P Malin just left. So now I've seen almost half of season one of Heroes :D I'm borrowing the box from her.. so I'll watch the rest of it during the weekend. :D

So i'm just gonna take it easy this weekend, just stay home and watch tv or something ;P

maybe I'll write something later, we'll see.. might find something fun on Youtube..


they're not arresting me are they?! :O :S

Soo hello again ^^ sorry that I havn't written in a while but the stupid blogg.se is getting on my nerves.. -_- sometimes I can't seem to logg in, and I don't know why that is :/ 
So anyway, I was at McDonald's today after school when two police officers walked in, who were followed by two other police officers.. then all of a sudden there were seven police officers in there!! haha idk why but the police always has this affect on me.. like I'm feeling guilty for something I havn't even done? :P haha they scare me :S 

So tomorrow Malin and I are going in to the city after school then she's coming home with me :P we're having a movie night! that'll be so much fun! :D

Anyways, talk to you tomorrow :=)



Seriously?! what is wrong with me? I've had that cover stick for one day and I've already lost it!! :O 
seriously, something has to be done.. I know it's somewhere in the house, but where? I was planning on using it tomorrow because I have this very ugly red pimple right between my eyes! ugh! stupid cover thingy!! 

How am I gonna be able to go to sleep now?! I and have this huge maths test in the morning!! 
Life sucks! literally...

(I won't even bother signing my name at the bottom..) 


Haha Patrik showed me some pictures he and his friend had messed around with a while ago! XD 



Haha I just looove theem!! :D 


James T. Moore

I just have to show you guys this clip of Pink and her father perfoming this song by him, Jim Moore.
He wrote it when he was a soldier in the Vietnam war, she had always wanted to record it with him and learnt to harmonize with it. She said of its recording, "He was so nervous, it was the most adorable experience for a father and daughter to share." 
Apparently this was the first song Pink ever learned to sing =) it's very beautiful.
Unfortunately, he died the 25 of July 2006. And I don't know how he died, only that he is missed. :(

I have seen the rain - Pink feat. James. T Moore (her father)

Comment and tell me what you think :)


Oriflame products =)

Hello ^^ 
So today mom gave me some new facial products from Oriflame =)   http://www.oriflame.se/index.jhtml , or http://www.oriflame.com/en/home.html  if you don't live in Sweden. I've never heard off the company before, but apparently it's swedish. So I don't know if it's any good, but I'll soon find out! ;D

Pure skin,  hide & treat pen

This easy application cover stick instantly hides and helps dry blemishes. Anti-microbial formula. Dermatologically tested. 0.3g

("What does dermatologically tested actually mean?"

It was tested on some type of skin. Maybe human but usually animal skin. Companies are vague with the meaning and the procedures varies differently from company to company.)

Pure skin, rapid action cream 

Ultra rapid blemish fighting cream leaves skin clearer in 3 days* 30ml

lash booster

Lash Booster. Advanced lash conditioner fortified with Biotin, liposomes of vitamin B5 and Keravis for a silky healthy look. Perfect for brittle or sparse lashes. Use day or night on clean lashes. 12ml


Birka Paradise ;)

Pictures from Birka paradise ;P

Cruise! :D

:D guess what?! I'm going on a cruise tomorrow with Amanda! :D yay!!! We are gonna have so much FUN! I can't wait! (A) 
but I won't be able to put anything up here until I come back home on friday night ;P so you are just gonna have to wait! ;D

I'll write something in the morning before I go ;P if I don't oversleep XD hhaha


Durex Get It On!

So ever had trouble choosing what comdoms to buy?! Well, I have a solution for you...

Durex Get It On! 

//Alex :D 

Spanish homework w.6

Soy Alexandra, estoy bien.
Hoy es 3 de febrero y la hora es nueve menos diez.
Vivo en un hotel que se llama La Mariposa y el hotel es muy impresionante. 
Hoy es un día de sol, hace calor y fresco. 
Hablo español todos los días y hablo muy bien.
Hoy he hecho comprendido un bolso para mi amiga, una folda para mi y bañado en el mar.
Esta tarde como en el restaurante El Noche.
Me gusta la comida aquí, es muy bueno.
Mañana me gustaría sólo dormir.
¡Por favor llama! 

Nobody knows - Pink

So, home today.. like I said :/ I have a headache and yesterday I had a fever too :(  
So home all alonie :( nothing to do, no one to talk do.. everybody's at school or work! 
I should lie in bed.. but I felt it was my  duty to tell you guys of my condition :D haha 
or maybe it's just because I can't stay away from my computer :D :D 

Well anyway... 

I found this song by Pink yesterday...  I really like it :)

Nobody knows - Pink 

Nobody knows
Nobody knows but me
That I sometimes cry
If I could pretend that I'm asleep
When my tears start to fall
I peek out from behind these walls
I think nobody knows
Nobody knows no

Nobody likes
Nobody likes to lose their inner voice
The one I used to hear before my life
Made a choice
But I think nobody knows
No no
Nobody knows

Oh the secret's safe with me
There's nowhere else in the world that I could ever be
And baby don't it feel like I'm all alone
Who's gonna be there after the last angel has flown
And I've lost my way back home
I think nobody knows no
I said nobody knows
Nobody cares

It's win or lose not how you play the game
And the road to darkness has a way
Of always knowing my name
But I think nobody knows
No no
Nobody knows no no no no

Oh the secret's safe with me
There's nowhere else in the world that I could ever be
And baby don't it feel like I'm all alone
Who's gonna be there after the last angel has flown
And I've lost my way back home
And oh no no no no
Nobody knows
No no no no no no

Tomorrow I'll be there my friend
I'll wake up and start all over again
When everybody else is gone
No no no

Nobody knows
Nobody knows the rhythm of my heart
The way I do when I'm lying in the dark
And the world is asleep
I think nobody knows
Nobody knows
Nobody knows but me


Mizzy :)

So I was writing in my diary when all of a sudden Mizzy jumped up on my lap! 
Hahah it looked like she was reading my diary ;P it was rather funny =)

(the picture is a little dark but you can see her eye somewhere in the middle) 

she was so cute! later she was lying with her head on my arm, so everytime I wrote something, her head kept jumping up and down :D haha and then she fell asleep in my arms! naaw :D <3

I''ll probably stay home tomorrow, I'm feeling sick -_- mom  said I could stay home if I felt like it...
so we'll see :)

Taty bye! ;D


Mizzy ;P crazy cat

Hahha you should have seen my cat this morning!! :O she was so funny! I was using my make-up and she kept jumping up on the washbasin! it was really annoying -_- 

she looked so cute though ^^  

So me, Malin, Matilda and Julia went to McDonald's today :D it was fun! we haven't really been out all the four of us together you know... we should really do it again :D 


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