Tjaa! :P
Sitter i skolan och chillar..
Har typ världens längsta håltimme.. ^^ två timmar och femton min lång..!
Finns typ inget och göra så sitter i biblioteket.. tänkte passa på och låna några
filmer innan jag åker hem, så jag har någonting att titta på resten av veckan
när jag mår piss efter operationen...
men inga lektioner! det är alltid najs :P haha
om en halvtimme har jag Kriminologi. :) det är najs
sen har jag en håltimme på 1 timme och 40 min! -_- slutar 16 liksom..
Men men, eftersom Kjelle slutar 16 så jag kan åka hem med honom och slipper
bära alla böcker jag måste ta med mig hem! :P alltid ett plus ^^
Ska nog ta och kolla lite filmer och böcker nu :P
Shit, va länge sen det va jag skrev =S
Och nu undrar du Julia (ja, jag vet att det bara är du som läser det här) varför jag helt plötsligt skriver på svenska?? jo, jag tänkte helt enkelt att jag måste öva lite på mitt eget språk ett tag också.. jag gör ju ALLT på engelska! -_-
I alla fall, det har ju hänt en hel del dom här senaste dagarna:
jag började på gymnasiet (Sjödal)
jag träffade MASSOR av nya människor :)
och jag är helt slut!
haha :P
På tisdag ska jag opera mig, min polyper ska väck! så jag äntligen kan andas genom näsan bättre :D
iallafall, så jag kommer vara hemma resten av veckan :) yay! haha
Photos <3
Here are a few of the photos from the Studio Stockholm. :)

That's it for now ^^ I might put up some of the other photos another time.. maybe next week ;P haha
Tomorrow I'm heading for Bålsta and Amanda :P And I finally get to see her new dog Malte. =)
I won't be back until Sunday.
The Voice '09
Once again I've not written anything for a few days, sorry. =S
But I've been way to tired.
Anyway, on Saturday Elin, Julia and I went to The Voice '09 in Kungsträdgården which was nothing but awesome! :D
Though very crowdy, there was a lot of people there!
But we were having fun! :D
Anyway, before we got to Kungsträdgården we were making our way around the "City" ;P
We went to Topshop, & tried Then to McDonald's of course ;)
some sunnies
And since the line to the toilet in every McDonald's were so long we tried to find somewhere else to go,
and ended up at the cinema at Hötorget ;)
haha that was so funny! ;D
Anyway the night was a success, great performers and awesome company :)
//Alex <3 piece out
A change is gonna come
It's simple, but it has got so much emotion in it.
Seal - A change is gonna come
A Change Is Gonna Come
Original by Sam Cook
I was born by the river
In a little tent
And just like the river
I've been running ever since.
It's been a long, long time coming
But I know a change gonna come
Oh, yes it will.
It's been too hard living
But I'm afraid to die
I don't know what's up there beyond the sky.
It's been a long, long time coming
But I know a change gonna come
Oh yes it will.
So now I go to my brother
And I say: Brother oh help me please, yeah.
But somehow he winds up knocking me
Back down on my knees.
There were times
that I thought I wouldn't last for long
But now I think I'm able to carry on
It's been a long, long, long time coming
But I know a change is gonna come
Yes it will, oh I know
A change is gonna come, but I know
A change is gonna come
A change is gonna come, right now, oooooh
A change is gonna come, I say it now
hey-ey-ey-ey-ey, oh no
Oh, believe me
I say a change is gonna come
Becoming Jane
Mom and I are watching Becoming Jane right now. A movie about Jane Austen when she was younger.
Anne Hathaway, from The Princess Diaries, and The Devil Wears Prada plays Jane Austen. A very touching movie.

Oh and an other thing, the lightning just struck down outside our house :O it scared the shit out of my mom and me!!
I don't wanna wait a whole week :(
R Kelly - The Storm is Over Now
I'm really sorry.
But the photos from The Studio won't be getting posted until next Thuesday.
I'm not getting them myself until then you see.
Mom couldn't pay for them at the time, since they costed 1650 kr. For 10 photos!! :O
Anyway, so she has to wait until she gets her salery.
But I can tell you that they were beautiful! :) I loved them!!!!
Amazing is the best way to describe them ;P
I can't show you any of my photos, but that doesn't mean than I can't show you a photo of Amanda! ^^

nice? I LOVE her black heels :)
Daniel Powter - Bad Day
So today is the day! :)
Today me and Amanda are going to The Studio Stockholm :)
It gonna be so much fun! <3
But since we are both underage, we have to have a guardian with us.
So both are mum's are coming with us..
We have to be there by 15:30, and it's at Stureplan. So we're leaving at 13:30,
and then meeting Amanda and her mom somewhere. (We havn't decided where to meet yet ;) )
And there's not much to get ready for, we have to come without make-up. So I mean there's no need to
put on make-up then!
Anyway, I'm gonna make something to eat. ;)
My outfits <3
Jackson 5 - I want you back
So this is the outfits I am wearing tomorrow at the photoshoot :)

I was thinking something about in the fall, when the leaves are falling.
I just got that feeling with all that brown. But I liked it! :)

Okey, so this time I was thinking something casual.
Something you can wear anywere, anytime.

Okey, so the only reason I wanted to wear this one, was because I made
it at school! ^^ haha. And yeah, I do like it too!! ;)
//Alex <3
Private photoshoot
I just found this old picture of me when I was like 13.

It was around three years ago, when my cousin Sonia was visiting.
Her visit ended up being a photoshoot ^^ haha
But I have to say I really like the picture!
Lets just hope the pictures at The Studio we'll be just as nice ;)
Queen - These are the days of our lives
The Studio Stockholm
Since I'm supposed to have three changes of outfits with me to this photoshoot me and Amanda are doing, I thought one of them should be a kinda casual look.

Sorry, I look like crap today!
And for those of you who doesn't know what I'm doing tomorrow, me and Amanda are going to this photoshoot at The Studio Stockholm.
My friend Sofie did it a few weeks ago and she wrote my number on a list, so they called me and asked if I wanted to do it. They also said I could bring a friend. The only thing that costs anything is buying the pictures after the photoshoot is done.
And it also doesn't cost anything for us since Sofie gave them my number. Otherwise it costs, I don't know , maybe 800 kr?
Anyway it's gonna be really fun, because they do your hair and make-up.! :D The only thing you have to do yourself is bring the clothes. :) I can't wait.. <3
Michael Jackson - Man In the Mirror
HP and the HBP
Sorry I didn't write anything yesterday, but by the time Elin and I got back it was a bit late and mom was using the computer so I didn't get a chance to write anything.
Anyway, you're probably wondering where we were. Well you see, we went to see the new Harry Potter movie. :)

It was great, I really enjoyed it. It was a few changes here and there but nothing major.
great job on the camera-work also, I love the way the shot it!
Anyway, so Elin just left to go back home.
We had a great time, yesterday we stayed out on the bridge til 1 in the mornig. Just listening to the wind, watching the stars and just relaxing. It was nice. :)
And I'm really excited because Amanda comes home today. Double yay! :D
We're meeting om Monday to go on this model thing. :P
And then when we're done we get to buy the pictures if we want to, but they're really expensive so I don't think I'll bee able to buy any.. too bad :(
Breaking Dawn online??
Good Morning!
First of all, is there anyone who knows where you can read Breaking Dawn online???
My friend Amanda forgot to bring her book with her when she left for the states a month ago, and she really needs something to read on the plane back back home. She thought, if she could find the book online she could print out a few pages.
So please, if anyone has the slightest idea let me know as soon as possible. She's going home on Saturday..
Anyway, so today I'm meeting Elin in the central station. We're going for a coffe and then back to my place. :)
What's really annoying though is that the TV in our livingroom broke, so now they are using mine. Which means that I don't have a TV anymore. Plus, they've been using my DVD for a while now too, which have left me with my portable DVD.
Altough I love my portable DVD, I sometimes miss watching on a bigger screen. I mean, the screen on my DVD isn't very big. Plus, since Elin is coming over, it would've been really nice to have a TV. We normally watch at least one movie before we go to bed, and two people trying to watch on a portable DVD, isn't very fun.
Anyhow, I should probably get ready know.
Leaving in an hour or so.. =)
A day in the... grass?!
First of all, I would like to give a big thanks to Julia who did a splendid job on helping me design my blog!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! ;) "standing ovation"
So today I was over at Julia's , her sister Elin and her friend Hippie was about to have a picnic and asked if we wanted to join them, which we thought sounded like a great idea!!
So we made some sandwiches, and luckily for us, Hippie and Elin had baked some Chokladbollar (?) that we also brought with us.

mmm yummi :D
We went to this park not far from their house, and sat on the grass, chilling and eating goodie stuff ;P

We had really fun :P and if we're lucky, she can go with me and my friend Elin to the Voice consert in Kungsträdgården the 15th!!! :)
And tomorrow I'm taking the bus into Huddinge. I'm meeting Elin there, she's sleeping over here tomorrow!! :D yay I havn't seen her in over, like idk maybe 6 months?? It's been a long long time anyway... It's gonna be fun :P