Chris <3

Here are some pictures from the Chris Brown consert! finally :P 



Secret notes in class .. ? nice ;D

Hello ^^ Today I'm in a good mood :D only a bit confused :/ you see when I was sitting in class somebody sent a note to me through bluetooth... it said : " haha I can see you"  which is weird right?! And I was like looking around the classroom trying to see who had a phone in their hand.. but of course I couldn't see anyone who could possible be the one sending me notes.. then I got another one which said: "if you can see this put your hand up twenty minutes past 2" I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost twenty minutes  past 2!! and I looked around but still couldn't see who it was :S then I got a picture of erik!! :O what?? well when class ended I asked around to see who it might have been.. but nobody knew.. except, well erik!  :O but I don't think it was him, he just knew who the person was... but of course he wouldn't tell me! so now I'm pissed at him.. no (A) haha I could never be pissed at him.. like a said I'm in a good mood! :D but I'm still gonna find who it was tomorrow! ^^ 

    This is the picture of erik I got ;S ;D haha

Oh guess what we were doing in chemistry today?! :P

It was kinda hot in there (A)  haha ^^

talk to you later  ;D 

ta ta!

//Alex ^^

I understand the movie.. but what about the name? :O

Yay! Finally I will get some pictures from Chris Brown :D I just need to give Malin my msn...
which btw is

[email protected]

here you go Malin :) 
hm well, anyway so she can send me the pictures that Linn, who is a girl we met at the consert, has taken :)  So hopefully tomorrow I'll have some pictures to show you guys ;P 

OMG! I just remembered that I have like 40 english words for tomorrow! :O I mean, even though I do know the english language, this is really silly words! I mean a lot of them we will most likely never use! Like "die-hard" or "thirty-odd"! I've never even heard those before!!? ok, so I might have heard die-heard. like a movie (A) but I mean it's not like I really bothered looking up the word!! And what about this one! "atrocity" ?!  I don't even get the swedish word for it?!! :O And I should understand it in swedish since it is my language.. right?!

Anyhow.. I gotta try to get these words inside me head now.. if that's even possible! 

So taty-bye! ;*  :D


Jack :)

Yay! I have the internet! :D hah I'm using Patriks portable computer just like I said :P and I'm sitting on the couch, cause that's where I'm sleeping tonight! :D but hey, I have the TV too!! and close to the kitchen and the toilet too :P perfect! hah ^^ 
Anyways, I wanted to tell you about Jack!! :D I met in on a swedish website called (you should check it out btw) .. he's from England and he's 19 :)  I think he is my new best friend! :D hah no. but he is really really kind and well, he looks pretty good too (A) hah no well, I really enjoy talking to him because he's so mature.. he lives by himself and he works on his dads company and well... he has something between his ears (hah that's what he said about me earlier today ^^)  he's nothing like other guys I talk to on the internet.. you know the ones who asks you about pictures a second after they have said hi to you... ?!  I really like him (and yes, in a friendly way only ^^ hah (A) ) , and I really hope we will keep in touch :)

Btw, sorry but I don't have a pic on him... ^^ on his profile you can't copy the pic and he hasn't got msn so hard to send a picture :/ but anyways if I get a hold of one, I promise I will put it up right away! :D

Gotta go now... better go to sleep, it's getting pretty late ^^


The couch again :/ haah :D

Sooo, still haven't gotten any pictures from friday night.. :/ it might happen that I'm not gonna be able to put up any.. I'm gonna have to talk to Malin tomorrow in school..  

So, Sunday again :/ boring as usual... well at least it's a day off from school :)  Wigis is here btw, Patriks BF.. so I guess I'm sleeping on the couch tonight. Why you may wonder? Well since me and my brother share a room (wich we won't do much longer since he and wigis are getting an apartment together) well, as I was saying he and wigis will probably stay up all night playing video games since they don't have work tomorrow morning,  I'm gonna have to sleep on the couch if I want to get any sleep at all. :/  wich is fine by me and all, I won't have the computer though.. :( haha :P but when I think about it I'm not sure they use the internet actually, I mean we still have Patriks portable computer.. hm well see.

Oh mum just called... time for dinner! :D 

write later if I get a chance!


CB <33

OMG! I was less then a feet away from Chris Brown yesterday! :O  I still can't believe it! He is soo hot! :D The concert rocked, and I really mean rocked!!  and I was so pissed, beacuse I had no battery on my cellphone so I couldn't take any pictures! I mean Malin probably took some pictures but I'm gonna have to wait for her to give them to me before I can show any of you guys.. :(  

Here he is btw, for those of you who doesn't know what he looks like ;)

But I promise I will try to get the pictures as soon as possible!  just bare  with me...


Engagement rings?! :O

Whaam! :P Hahah me and amanda were playing guitar hero earlier but we both SUCKED! :D haha 

Amanda playing the drums :D 

Oh I just gotta tell you this! Amanda is like talking to this guy on the internet and she's never met him but he's like so in love with her you wouldn't miss it. The thing is he just told her that he bought engagement rings today but he hasn't gotten anyone to give the other one to.. obvious or not?? haha he wants
to marry amanda!!! hahahah :D and yes he asked her over the internet believe it or not!

nice huh? 

but that's not the ring! haha gotcha ;D

the funny thing is.. she is actually considering it! WHAAAAT?! SAY THAT AGAIN?!?! dumbass! but only beacuse
she's dying to see her mothers face if she came home with a ring on her left finger... ?! what's going on in that girls mind?! :S
well I for one have nooo idea..

Well let me know if you find out ;) that would help.. yeah thanks ;P hhaaha

//Alex... amanda says hi :) haha

Amanda <3

Hello ^^ guess who's here?!! Amanda! :D hah she haven't been here since like.. last summer or something.. way to long if you ask me :P but she's only staying until tomorrow. school and everything youknow -_- 

Oh yeah, that's kind off an old picture.. she's blond now ^^ and no she's not stupid! (A)

//Alex :P 

O.o Two tests in one day?! oh no! :O

Hello ^^ today has been okey, nothing spec has happened, except that, well one of my best friends has boyfriend problems and she's not sure where it's leading. I feel really bad for her.. :( I hope it works out! 

So I just found out that next wednesday we have TWO tests, one in chemistry and one in History, about Hitler :S and how he started the World War Two.  O.o  how will I make it through the day?! 

Hah so you know we were selling cookies in class for our trip we are going on at the end of the year, and well, william hasn't sold everything yet and needs some help. Well you know, as helpful as I am (A) haha I said that I could help! I have already sold two ^^ and the rest will be sold at the end of the week :D 

Hm, I might write something later, we'll see. If not Patrik takes the computer FIRST! haha :P

//Alex  spalex 

Ugh! -_-

So like I said earlier, Sundays are ALWAYS booring! Nothing, absolutely nothing happened today! -_- I'm desperate for action! :D hah or something like that?! (A)  

So let's just hope that someting happens tomorrow ;D 

//Alex <3 Sandrish haha :D

It seems like it's not going to be any driving on the ice with Patriks All Terrain Vehicle, since it won't start -_- ah I really wantet to go! Well maybe another time, let's just hope the ice doesn't melt any time soon...  plus it's getting dark outside.

 I love this picture :) it is so beautiful! <3

Today has so far been a boring day, but it is Sunday. It's doomed to be a boring day.. hah! or maybe that's just me?! All my Sundays are always boring.. probably because all I can think about is that tomorrow is Monday. -_- The day I go back to hell! Maybe a bit harsh, but still a bit true ;D  Haha :P 

Oh if you like fanfiction visit this page
Right now I'm reading some fanficton about the Twilight Saga, it's really good :P

Oh and if you don't know what fanfiction is, here is some information about it from wikipedia..

"Fan fiction (alternately referred to as fanfiction, fanfic, FF or fic) is a broadly-defined term for stories about characters or settings written by fans of the original work, rather than by the original creator. Works of fan fiction are rarely commissioned or authorized by the original work's owner, creator, or publisher; also, they are almost never professionally published. Fan fiction, therefore, is defined by being both related to its subject's canonical fictional universe while simultaneously existing outside that universe. Most fan fiction writers assume that other fans are reading their work, so their readers have knowledge of the canon universe (created by a professional writer) in which their works are based."

I hope you understood that beacuse I had trouble understanding it! ;D 
Anyways, visit it if you like fan fiction, it's great, I promise! 

// Alex 

Family <3

Good morning! :P or good afternoon?! Haha so what am I gonna do today? Hm.. Saturday.. I don't know :) 
Patrik is working on his All Terrain Vehicle, we are gonna drive it on the ice later :D with a saucer behind! It's gonna be so great! :D 

Oh yeah here is an old picture of me and my siblings and dad :) <3

                   Patrik                       Jimmy                                 Fredrik
       Me                   Dad                    Helen                                    Theresa   

 I love this pic :) 
It's dad when he was a teenager...

and here he is again when he is older :) <3

RIP dad <3 I love you :)


Amanda Bin Laden xD

Hey! Sorry didn't get a chance to write yesterday.. .:P Patrik and Sandra got home and brought with them Sandras electric guitar (whoops, sorry I ment " their" guitar -_-) and well... let me just say that I didn't get much sleep.. haah^^ 

he's really good though! :D and Sandra has got her beatiful voice :) <3 they fit so well together! 

Oh yeah! Patrik did this hilarious thing yesterday! :D I was talking to Amanda on the phone and Patrik saw this pic of her I had, haha so he thought it would be fun to mess around with it.. hah! it was so funny I couldn't stop laughing! :D
anyways.. this is how it turned out! XD

hahaha her responce was to stay quiet xD but you should have heard her mother! haha my brother is insane!! 

// Alex ;P with Patrik playing guitar behind me <3

Miss me?! (A) haha ^^

Hey ;D sorry I haven't written in a while.. I wasn't home during the weekend and before that my internet connection broke
 -_- don't ask me why.. I still don't know! Anyways it's working now! :D
though I'm not at home, as you may notice if you look at  what time I wrote this :P no, I'm at school...
we don't have any gym today so, just sitting here.. relaxing :D

oh yeah, and about that guy.. hm.. did not work out. He kinda ditched me.. haha but it didn't really mean that much :P I knew how he was before I started talking to him.. hah :D
Probably write something in a while..  I'll probably be sitting here for some time :P nothing else to do in school.. I'd rather be home :D

Anyways Have A Wonderful Day :D haha

Alex <3

Webb Messenger?!

ok so now I'm a little bit calmer, but still a bit annoyed -_- I remembered that I had seen people loggin with something called Webb Messenger.. but I didn't know what it was. So I looked it up and learned that it was like msn except that you didn't need to download it and plus it is much more simpler then Windows Live Messenger. So I can't do everything that I normally can -_- but it's alright I guess...

oh yeah and that guy I was talking about.. well he is online.. but the problem is he is not answering me.. :( ah well maybe he doesn't want to talk to me then... haha no just kidding :D if he hasn't answered anything I've written for a couple of days then we'll see :P

so I might check in later ;D
make sure to stop by before you go to bed ^^

Alex <33

Can it get any worse?!

I'm so f*cking pissed right know! I can't believe it!!!
So I come home from school today just to see that my computer doesn't work... and then I thought that maybe I could use my moms boyfriends computer. Yeah so you might think that everything is fine now right? well guess what it's not! Because the damn freaking computer has a problem with Windows Live Messenger! Hah so for some reason that I do not know I can't download Msn! Yeah I know what you are thinking.. she doesn't need msn that much does she?! But yes I do! Because I was going  to talk to someone... and now I can't! ugh! stupid computer thingy.....  the funny thing is I actually have his phonenumber.. but I'm to scared to call.. ^^ what if he doesn't want to talk to me??! ugh! so annoying.. -_-
anyway, so I'll probably check in later ;P give you an update on what's going on....


Alex <3

Good Morning! :D

Good Morning ! 

First day of school today -_- 
what is gonna happen? who is gonna stalk who? who is gonna hate who? and most importantley who is gonna love me!?
haha I'll tell you more when I get hooome!!! :D 

Alex <3 


Hi ! =)  so it didn't happen much today :/ I made an acount at Facebook though :) thought I might give it a try since almost everyone has it now... feels like it at least :P haha 

I don't have much friends there yet but it's only been one day, still waiting for a lot of people to accept my friend request :P
So far it seem good, I've uploaded a few pics ;D 
I had a real hard time trying to decide wich profil pic I should have but I ended up with this one :) 

    it says my name too :) haha 

so well school starts tomorrow -_-  why?!  lord why???!  why do you punish me with this ?!?!? hahah :D
so I gotta go know, I have to fix my hair so it looks good tomorrow hah :D 

//Alex <3

Ice-skating ;D

Me, Patrik and Sandra went ice-skating today ;D haha I fell all the time XD

Lovebirds <3

So my brother Patrik and his girlfriend Sandra just got home from Dalarna where they spent New Years Eve :D
Now they are standing in our room acting like fools! Patrik is sitting on his bed playing the guitar and Sandra is dancing like a crazy person hahah :D they are so weird but I still love them <33 

Patrik och Sandra         
They are so cute =) <33

My Everything.. <3

This is a song I wrote around a year ago :)

My everything

I, I feel so drowned within emotions that I can’t control,                                     
I just keep on walking without being able to let it go.
I had you in my arms, 
Your hand in my hand.
The lightning came down, 
And the gold turned into sand.                                                                                 
You were my everything, 
Everything I’d ever wished for.
You were my sun, 
You were my earth.
You ruled my entire universe.
But then it all collapsed, 
Into a puzzle that fell into the ocean blue.
And I don’t know where it’s heading for, 
I just know, 
That I’m still not over you.
I’m still not over you.

You said goodbye a long time ago,
But I just can’t leave you behind 
And you, you said that we could still be friends,
But that’s just you being kind.
My dream is just a dream,
Because I can’t bring you back to me.
Every story has to end,
I can no longer pretend.

You were my everything, 
Everything I’d ever wished for.
You were my sun, 
You were my earth.
You ruled my entire universe.
But then it all collapsed, 
Into a puzzle that fell into the ocean blue.
And I don’t know where it’s heading for, 
I just know, 
That I’m still not over you.
I’m still not over you.

I’m still not over you.

You promised me we’d be together,
You said our love would last forever.
But suddenly things are changing fast,
Suddenly you’re a part of the past.
What happened to us?
What went wrong?
Was it me, 
Did I push you along?

Did you really love me or was it just an act?
I don’t know what to believe anymore. 
All this time we spent together,
Was it really love you were looking for?
Or just someone to play with, something to do,
Oh it’s a fact, I’m still not over you.

You were my everything, 
Everything I’d ever wished for.
You were my sun, 
You were my earth.
You ruled my entire universe.
But then it all collapsed, 
Into a puzzle that fell into the ocean blue.
And I don’t know where it’s heading for, 
I just know, 
That I’m still not over you.
I’m still not over you.
I’m still not over you.

Oh no, 
I’m still not over you, 
I’m still, not, over, you….

Alexandra Niflis 080203 

a broken heart :( <3

I, me and myself ;D

Good morning! :D maybe it's a little late för that but still :P well at least I didn't sleep until 03.00 p.m like yesterday -_- anyways so home al alone now, my mom and her boyfriend (or whatever you call it ;D) is at his mothers house for a coffe... So what am I gonna do today?! I don't really feel like going anywhere so I'll probably just stay home. Ah I'm gonna end up sitting infront of this computer all day long :D haha good thing my mom doesn't mind! I hope.. :S 
So I've been thinking that I really need to introduce myself :D so this is a list of things about me...

  • My full name is Alexandra Theresa Niflis :)
  • I am 15 years old and my birthday is the 22nd of Mars :D                                                                                                    
  • I have a lot of siblings, but altogether I have 5 siblings :P       
  • I live in Huddinge, close to Stockholm.                                           
  • I live with my mom, brother, mom's boyfriend and his son.                   
  • My dad died in cancer almost three years ago.. RIP Dad <33
  • I have a niece and a nephew :) it's my sisters kids.
  • My best friends name is Amanda and she is 16 years old :D
  • I' am in the ninth grade and go to a school called "Tomtbergaskolan" in Huddinge.
  • I am half greek, since my dad was born in Greece. He moved here when he was 10 years old.
  • No I don't speak greek. -_- really wanted to learn though.
  • In school I like english, swedish and spanish sometimes too ;P music is okey too ;D 
  • I hate maths and science -_- they are really pushing my nerves... 
  • ehm.. I like to write, a write poems and songs and stuff like that.. I like to read too.. :P
  • I love music :D and all kind of music.. just not heavy metal -_- right now my favourite band is McFly ;D
  • If I'm rich? No definitely not! Far far from it!
  • What am I gonna be when I grow up? I have absolutely no idea!! haha :D
  • No I don't have a boyfrind -_- 
  • And most importantley is that I am me :D haha 

Couldn't think of anything else, random order I know ;D

My niece and nephew :)
My niece and nephew :)


Quotes <33

Hi :)
here are some quotes that I really love <3 I just had to publish them, they are great ;D

The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a women's heart...
- Josiah Gilbert Holland (1819-1881) American Author

 If you love something, set it free; if it comes back it's yours, if it doesn't, it never was. 
- Unknown 
The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is to love and be loved in return.
 - (Unforgettable) Nat King Cole (1919-1965) American singer, Pianist 

Do you love me because I'm beautiful, or am I beautiful because you love me? 
 - Cinderella ( The Fairytale)
A beautiful rose <33
Roses are red, violets are blue and most importantley is that I love you <33


Time flies fast when you're having fun ;D

So today I started reading this book by Stephanie Meyer called The Host :) so far it's pretty good, I've only read like four chapters but it seems good.  The funny thing is I can't explain what it is about beacuse it's rather complicated ;D haha well go to this page if you wanna know what it is about.. 

A book by Stephanie Meyer.. :)

Hm what else has happened today?? Not much if I may say.. :P I went to bed like 05.00 a.m yesterday or maybe it's this morning?! :S haha anyway so I slept until like 03.20 p.m this afternoon!! haha :P when I came up to the house my mom was like "hm I was wondering when you were gonna come up" haha :D 

It's so weird that it's 2009 now! :O I remember exactly a year ago when I told everyone at school that I was moving.. and now I've already been at my new school for a whole term! Time flies fast when you're having fun :D
HAHA I remember when I lived with my mom when I was little and me and my friend Nina were like inseparable :D

Haha me and my long lost childhood friend Nina haha ;)  
We are still friends though :D though I havn't seen her in like 6 months :S It's been to long.. :( but I still love her!! :D <3

Ah well I don't know what to write know :S but I'll be back tomorrow !! Without a doubt ;D I actually find this kinda fun haha :P suprisingly not.. since I love to write haha :D 

Oh yeah I almost forgot! I'm gonna end this today with a short thing I wrote earlier this afternoon :D

"Being alone is not really what makes it so hard, it's the tears of the word Goodbye..." <3

Welcome ;) or something... ?! :S

 Haha so this my new blog :) I have never ever written a blog before so be nice to me ;D  Question? Why am I writing in english? Well.. I thought that it would be really good for me.. a good place to practice. Not that I need any practice! haha XD no well mostly I'm just doing it to piss of my best friend Amanda :D I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm going overboard with this english obsession I have! haha XD well, that's her problem :P

So this is me :D haha lame picture XD

So that's me ;) 

Lame picture I know ;D haha

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